The end of the line....I was able to see it, it was right there, so close....Now it's been thrown further down the path *sigh*
Would have been done with school and starting my actual career in january, but 3 classes got added on to the program. I know have to wait till this summer to be done and working.....Oh well, take stuff as it comes and pick my ass up and keep moving.
Still some leg pain from the car accident. Switched jobs so have to wait for my new insurance to kick in so I can get it looked at. Just gets annoying when pain shoots through my leg for no reason.
Would have been done with school and starting my actual career in january, but 3 classes got added on to the program. I know have to wait till this summer to be done and working.....Oh well, take stuff as it comes and pick my ass up and keep moving.
Still some leg pain from the car accident. Switched jobs so have to wait for my new insurance to kick in so I can get it looked at. Just gets annoying when pain shoots through my leg for no reason.
get well soon!
thanks for the comment how've you been??