somehow my whole fucking profile got deleted! what the fucking fuck!
i will typing the word "fuck" alot from now on because i dont want to say it anymore in front of Charlotte
its really fucking hard!
im not much of a blogger so ...hmmmm what should i write.
im trying really hard to diet the smart way but its hard when youre desperate to get rid of babyfat.
breastfeeding is sooooooooooo important to me and i dont want to over do it w/ the dieting, i know it can be a bad idea for nursing moms.
sometimes i cant believe im a mom.
today i went to the mall to get a bigger gauge for my ears. i am now a 00 woo hoo!
i made my own "moby" baby wrap to carry Charlotte in and sported the hell out of it at the mall.
anyway.... im going to pierce jeremy's ears tonight and hopefully get in bed early.
Charlotte is on somewhat of a bedtime schedule now. bath at 7 eat at 7:30 bed at 8.
jeremy baths her and of course i feed her unless i have pumped for jeremy to give her a bottle and we alternate rocking her to sleep.
she only sleeps until about 4 in the morning which is rough but somehow we'll manage.
im so excited for friday!!!! im going to lake tahoe w/ my mommy and lil sis for 10days! my sister has a volleyball tournament in reno and has to stay there so my mom and i and charlotte will get to spend alot of quality time together at mommys house in tahoe (rich husband)
im not sad at all to leave jeremy, in fact im glad to get away from him....
maybe ill have a chance to miss him...
maybe when i come back things will feel different reguarding well... EVERYTHING
sex, communication, charlotte, his family , my family, ourselves blah dee fuckin blah
im not upset about life.
i have charlotte and that makes everything wonderful and sunny
i will typing the word "fuck" alot from now on because i dont want to say it anymore in front of Charlotte
its really fucking hard!
im not much of a blogger so ...hmmmm what should i write.
im trying really hard to diet the smart way but its hard when youre desperate to get rid of babyfat.
breastfeeding is sooooooooooo important to me and i dont want to over do it w/ the dieting, i know it can be a bad idea for nursing moms.
sometimes i cant believe im a mom.
today i went to the mall to get a bigger gauge for my ears. i am now a 00 woo hoo!
i made my own "moby" baby wrap to carry Charlotte in and sported the hell out of it at the mall.
anyway.... im going to pierce jeremy's ears tonight and hopefully get in bed early.
Charlotte is on somewhat of a bedtime schedule now. bath at 7 eat at 7:30 bed at 8.
jeremy baths her and of course i feed her unless i have pumped for jeremy to give her a bottle and we alternate rocking her to sleep.
she only sleeps until about 4 in the morning which is rough but somehow we'll manage.
im so excited for friday!!!! im going to lake tahoe w/ my mommy and lil sis for 10days! my sister has a volleyball tournament in reno and has to stay there so my mom and i and charlotte will get to spend alot of quality time together at mommys house in tahoe (rich husband)
im not sad at all to leave jeremy, in fact im glad to get away from him....
maybe ill have a chance to miss him...
maybe when i come back things will feel different reguarding well... EVERYTHING
sex, communication, charlotte, his family , my family, ourselves blah dee fuckin blah
im not upset about life.
i have charlotte and that makes everything wonderful and sunny
PS: I hate fucking skinny girls that hang out in the mall too.