Sometimes I wish I were just one of those people that was happy just going out and drinking every weekend. That I didn't worry about things I read in the news...and the things that don't show up in the news. That could treat people like objects of means to an end. That cruelty and callousness amused me.Sure I'd be a piece of Sh**...but to hold to type I'd be oblivious to my flaws. Everything would be someone else's fault, and be happy a just bitching at what I did notice.Instead I sit and brood.I feel empathy for people whose lot I cannot change.I choke on my own self righteousness and then rant in tiny little forums like this where my opinions will not be held to any serious scrutiny and where it will not matter and where runon sentences happen. Yeee haw
I do know how screwed up this is. I just need to vomit the evil out sometimes.