So a lot has happen lately! I was dating a girl for a bit, it was told to me that it would be just for the summer and i agreed but soon found out i flew for her more then i wanted. She went to Pittsburgh to start school and we kind of stop talking. I get a message from her every once and awhile. Then i found out she wants to date this other guy and im sorry but that pissed me off. She told me she doesnt want a boyfriend when we started dating which is fine but dont go out to school and start dating the first fucking guy you meet. fuck that shit, any who some light at the end of the tunnel i have a second interview for a really sweet ass job for Hershey Park! I really want this job, and will stop it nothing to get it. This job will help me out so much! I will be able to start living life and shit. It would allow me to get my own place and be happy for a bit! Plus i really love working in the Amusement park industry. Its a lot of fun and always changing, and you get to walk a hell of a lot! i will keep anyone who reads this up to date on the job and all. Lets see nothing else is really happening! im working on a new poem about my summer romance when its done ill post it!
More Blogs
Friday Jan 01, 2010
I had some many dreams and wants for the past year. But for some reas… -
Monday Nov 09, 2009
All the argument has stopped. The room was much darker now, then when… -
Friday Oct 09, 2009
So not much happening in my life to update. I had a third interview a… -
Saturday Sep 12, 2009
So a lot has happen lately! I was dating a girl for a bit, it was tol… -
Tuesday Aug 04, 2009
New Blog! ok so i have no idea what to write about. I'm working back … -
Monday Dec 22, 2008
So im done with school!!! i finally did it im the first one in my fam… -
Monday Dec 08, 2008
another poem/song. i wish i could put music to this and make this sou… -
Friday Dec 05, 2008
Sigh my desktop computer just died on me... i have no idea what happe… -
Thursday Nov 13, 2008
so things havent changed at all with me and my GF and im starting to … -
Tuesday Oct 07, 2008
I\'m sure no one actually comes to my profile cause i really dont do …