I\'m sure no one actually comes to my profile cause i really dont do anything on this site. But i need to write this out some where my normal friends wont read it, or my gf doesnt read. So ive been with this girl for just about a year now, and ive never been happier, i mean the relationship could be better. See she hasnt opened up fully to me, im her first real boyfriend and shes an only child so its hard for her. I get that it too me years after the death of my father to really open up to someone (which is her). So everything is moving really slow and some times i go crazy and think to much or something stupid i would text all these random questions all the time... and it started to get bad, i knew she didnt like it but i coudlnt help it all i was asking for is some kind notice that im here and were together. well i have seen that lately she has been not texting much and kind of being more distance then normal... Turns out when i finally got her to talk to me she told me that shes really stressed with work and school, and that she needs a break...
I was destroyed i dont know what a \"break\" is. i dont know what the rules are or anything... I asked her doe that mean what we have is done? she said \"No, i said a break\". so now were on a break and i have no idea what to do, i dont know if i can see her, or text her, or even kiss her if we do find time to hang out... i have no idea all my friends tell me they dont know, but to wait it out and she will come back. cause if she didnt want to be with me she would have ended it right there and then last night... so theres some light at the end of the tunnel. so if anyone reads this please comment maybe you have been in my spot i dont know but if you can help comment please!\r\n\r\nOh biggest kick in the balls, i had a dream last night. This dream brought me to tears. It was a family reunion of some kind, and guess who was in the dream... Both my father and my girlfriend, it was so hard to see them together. she was sitting at the table where he was sitting and they were laughing at some lame joke he said. they looked happy, my god it was like a kick in the balls... but i think the dream might be telling me something like everything is going to end up ok with me and her. and one day she will be part of the family? i dont know but it was really sad and a really good dream all at the same time...

I have had my ups and downs in relationships. All I can say is that when something really sucks sometimes it doesn't suck when something good comes out of it. It just takes long for that good thing to happen, and it sucks waiting. Dreams are fucked up. I have a dream book if you want I can look some of the things up for you.