I guess I've decided I don't hate my job after all. I just hate the people I work with.
After 9 days of vacation, I returned to work yesterday to discover 9 days worth of cleaning work waiting for me. A stack of skids had fallen over outside on my first day off, and it sat there waiting for me to come back. The entire back room looked like shit, and I found out, from the people I take care of, that my replacement, even though she used to do my job, didn't have the slightest clue how to it. Just once I would like to take a vacation without returning to work, only to wish I hadn't done so.
Needless to say, I spent most of yesterday and today being as pissed off as I possibly could
. If everyone's going to make my job difficult, I'm going to make it difficult to be around me at work. I have no fear of being fired: if they fire me, one of them is going to have to do my job...and the few that really know how, don't want to do it. There are times that I love being indispensible

After 9 days of vacation, I returned to work yesterday to discover 9 days worth of cleaning work waiting for me. A stack of skids had fallen over outside on my first day off, and it sat there waiting for me to come back. The entire back room looked like shit, and I found out, from the people I take care of, that my replacement, even though she used to do my job, didn't have the slightest clue how to it. Just once I would like to take a vacation without returning to work, only to wish I hadn't done so.
Needless to say, I spent most of yesterday and today being as pissed off as I possibly could