See the picture in the upper left corner? That's not me anymore. No hair: chopped it all off. All of it. Prime example of what I do to when something refuses to cooperate with me.
I like it, except my head is cold now. I don't like a cold head. My hair has never been this short...ever. I guess I didn't really know...
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Hey everyone!
Sorry that it's been a while since I've been on. Expensive doctor bills have forced me to let my DSL bill slide, so I'm temporarily without internet. This should be remedied in a couple of weeks. Other than that, I'm doing good. Lots of work related stress right now, so I'm glad I decided to get back on the meds when I did......
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Sorry that it's been a while since I've been on. Expensive doctor bills have forced me to let my DSL bill slide, so I'm temporarily without internet. This should be remedied in a couple of weeks. Other than that, I'm doing good. Lots of work related stress right now, so I'm glad I decided to get back on the meds when I did......
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Not sure if you notriced... but I had to clean out my friends list...
It was getting a bit too crowded, nothing personal.
You can request me back if you wanna
It was getting a bit too crowded, nothing personal.
You can request me back if you wanna

Good to have you back....
Good to have you back....
For those who have been concerned (the list is small, yet distinguished) I went to see my psychiatrist for the first time in three years. Going to the doctor sucks. I hate doctors...especially shrinks. No, not all doctors...just my doctor.
Well, I'm back on fucking meds again.
Just when I thought I had taken it all, I get a new one I haven't heard of...
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Well, I'm back on fucking meds again.

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yeah, how goes it man?
speak to us o danster!
I'm getting way too depressed as of late, and it's getting harder to control my moods. I'm seriously considering going back on my meds.
Someone, please, come up with a reason why I shouldn't.
Someone, please, come up with a reason why I shouldn't.
you posted a whole lot of sense in one fell swoop on the current affairs board - thanks
I'll look out for you on the boards...
I'll look out for you on the boards...
Rocky (1987-2000): May you eat scraps from the table in the halls of Valhalla forever.
Is it wierd to grieve over the loss of a dog for almost 4 years? Then again, he was more than that to me. He was my greatest friend. He was a member of my family...and for a long time he was my only family.
I raised Rocky from when...
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Is it wierd to grieve over the loss of a dog for almost 4 years? Then again, he was more than that to me. He was my greatest friend. He was a member of my family...and for a long time he was my only family.
I raised Rocky from when...
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Have you ever watched a group of people destroy someone's dream? I'm doing it right now...
The store I work at was the dream of an immigrant from the Netherlands who founded the store back in the 1930's, and his dream was based on making customers happy. One of the ways he made people happy was by a selling quality product. The other way was...
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The store I work at was the dream of an immigrant from the Netherlands who founded the store back in the 1930's, and his dream was based on making customers happy. One of the ways he made people happy was by a selling quality product. The other way was...
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Yeah, except (at least in Michigan) Wal-Mart is building stores literally across the street from Meijer's stores in a direct attempt to shut them down. They are going for the throat, and Meijer's is really running scared.
Sons of rags-to-riches dads....
Sons of rags-to-riches dads....
thats too bad. where the fuck is this world going to? (besides hell)
i deal with this shit every day at work, and its taxing my soul to the breaking point.
i deal with this shit every day at work, and its taxing my soul to the breaking point.
Grrrrrr...I need to work on my website, but I can't seem to get motivated. I had better, because I'm paying for my webhosting. The holidays really bring me down. People get shitty, work gets busy, and relatives get demanding. It puts a serious strain on my already stretched emotional state. The problem is: I love working on it, and it kills me that I just...
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Good Point
Pretty lame.
It's okay. We should have a midwest SG thing there this summer.
Pretty lame.

It's okay. We should have a midwest SG thing there this summer.
Impulsive spending...I love it! I've been good and haven't spent a lot of cash on something I didn't need, so I figured I was about due.
Final Fantasy X-2 is awesome. Chicks with guns...gotta love it! It goes from easy to hard in about a split second. Really catches you with your pants down. If you do RPG video games and have a PS2, I...
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Final Fantasy X-2 is awesome. Chicks with guns...gotta love it! It goes from easy to hard in about a split second. Really catches you with your pants down. If you do RPG video games and have a PS2, I...
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i need more games too
Hey, saw your post in the Rollins Fans thread. I didn't remember that line from Johnny Mnemonic quote! That's a great one! Even better that he yelled it in Keanu's face. Fuck, I have to go rent that.
And yes, chicks with guns, or any weapon in general, are very hot and sexy.
Speaking of Christmas music at retail stores, have you heard that horrid Paul Mcartney Christmas song?
If you haven't, consider yourself lucky.
And yes, chicks with guns, or any weapon in general, are very hot and sexy.

Speaking of Christmas music at retail stores, have you heard that horrid Paul Mcartney Christmas song?

Mental state is back to normal (as normal as it gets anyways). No anxiety, very little depression, and I still think Leonardo Caprio is a pussy. Things are right with the world.
I still hate my job, though. The assault of "Feliz Navidad" continues on a daily basis. I should walk into the store director's office and cut part of my own pinky off in...
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I still hate my job, though. The assault of "Feliz Navidad" continues on a daily basis. I should walk into the store director's office and cut part of my own pinky off in...
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Yakuza. you should check out the 60's Japanese gangster movie 'Tokyo Drifter' a prelude to asian gangs and the Yakuza.
Leo might be a pussy, but I must say, he has appeared in a fe decent flicks, Gangs, B-ball diares, Romeo & Juliet, The Beach,
Leo might be a pussy, but I must say, he has appeared in a fe decent flicks, Gangs, B-ball diares, Romeo & Juliet, The Beach,
funny, I didn't care for Romeo & juliet the first time either, once I set aside the oddness of the prose against the psuedo modern backdrop, it was quite enjoyable. I've heard the same thing about 'Moulan Rouge' but I've seen it once, and I don't buy it...
My anxiety is at it's zenith tonight. I just wish there was a reason for it...maybe I could do something about it.
I don't know what's worse: depression or anxiety. Actually anxiety is worse. At least when I'm depressed, I don't feel like throwing up.
Work sucks, life sucks, everything sucks. I can't enjoy anything in this state of mind. Sometimes I hate being me,...
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I don't know what's worse: depression or anxiety. Actually anxiety is worse. At least when I'm depressed, I don't feel like throwing up.
Work sucks, life sucks, everything sucks. I can't enjoy anything in this state of mind. Sometimes I hate being me,...
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Thanks for your post in my journal.
I'm feeling similar things as you are, at least your not alone if that makes you feel any better.
I'm feeling similar things as you are, at least your not alone if that makes you feel any better.
great post regarding the ohio cop situation, just thought i'd share that.
(I work for Serv-U, I'm the sales rep at #12 in GR.)