Okay so This week I saw 2 kickass movies based off of comic books. I saw Constantine on Tuesady and today on Friday I saw Sin City. I still haven't read Hellblazer, which Constantine is adapted from. I bought a Sin City graphic novel on the way home after the movie. the book was "The Hard Goodbye." Its story is in the movie, and I was greatly surprised to see just how much of the story made it into the movie. Roughly 88 to 90 percent of the story, narration, and dialogue made it to film. This is rare, since so very much is typically changed in a movie. I really liked how true to the source material Sin City was. Its also got some really beautiful cinematography in it. Its filmed much like the comic is drawn....Its great. Their minimal use of colors had a very unique effect and the film puts a great spin on film noir. I reccomend it to anyone who likes comic book movies, action movies, film noir, or who just likes voilent flicks. And trust me, this flick is violent. Dead bodies and gore aplenty. Gunfights, multiple decapitations, arrows through bodies and heads, hatchet to the face, explosions, ripping off a dude's junk with somebody's bare hands ....this movie is not for the squeamish. Its great, go see it first chance you get.
Constantine was really good to. I'm unfamiliar with the source material so I was able to view this as just a good dark sci-fi/fantasy film with a religious mytholgy based spin. Now I hear they changed a good deal from the comic, but I didn't let that hinder my enjoyment of the movie. It had some really good visual effects, and the character of John Constantine was my kind of character. Anybody who outsmarts the devil (almost) and then gives him the finger on his way to heaven is my kind of guy. Gavin Rosdale of Bush was in this. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think its his 1st film role. Could be wrong. He plays a demon of sorts who wears a nice suit and who they insinuate is a politician of sorts in our world, but they never really go that far with him before Constantine fucks him up something good with a pair of holy brass knuckles and some holy water. Satan even pops up in the movie, trying to personally collect Constantine's soul. That's a cool scene right there. I l don't have the energy to go much deeper into the film as its real late (or early) and I've gotta be at work in like under 5 hours....But suffice it to say Constantine is a pretty solid, entertaining movie and there's something there for any sci-fi/horror/fantasy fan to enjoy. Check it out if you haven't already.
Constantine was really good to. I'm unfamiliar with the source material so I was able to view this as just a good dark sci-fi/fantasy film with a religious mytholgy based spin. Now I hear they changed a good deal from the comic, but I didn't let that hinder my enjoyment of the movie. It had some really good visual effects, and the character of John Constantine was my kind of character. Anybody who outsmarts the devil (almost) and then gives him the finger on his way to heaven is my kind of guy. Gavin Rosdale of Bush was in this. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think its his 1st film role. Could be wrong. He plays a demon of sorts who wears a nice suit and who they insinuate is a politician of sorts in our world, but they never really go that far with him before Constantine fucks him up something good with a pair of holy brass knuckles and some holy water. Satan even pops up in the movie, trying to personally collect Constantine's soul. That's a cool scene right there. I l don't have the energy to go much deeper into the film as its real late (or early) and I've gotta be at work in like under 5 hours....But suffice it to say Constantine is a pretty solid, entertaining movie and there's something there for any sci-fi/horror/fantasy fan to enjoy. Check it out if you haven't already.
BTW I saw the movie tonight. Fucking Amazing. I have some small gripes with how they shot certain scenes and how off some of the acting was but I was pleased. My friends are calling it the best movie they've ever seen. For some reason that makes me feel very proud.
I've heard so much about God of War. I'm gonna sit out until they port it over to PC or X-Box (if it ever happens) but I really want to play it. A friend of mine says it makes all other action games pale in comparison.