I feel bad for my mom. One of her childhood friends was found dead in her home this weekend. Natural causes, maybe a blood clot. My mom is almost 60, but she does pretty damn well for her age. So this friend of hers is somebody she's known for a very long time. She was in tears Saturday night. I hate seeing her like this. I'm the only one she really has to comfort her with things like this happen. At home its my parents and I. My dad is a drunk, self centered asshole. He won't even try to comfort his own wife. Me, I hate seeing people I care about cry. My mom especially. I try to be there as much as I can, but one of these days I have to leave. I'm almost 21, I can't be at home forever. My brother is in Maryland, My sister is about an hour's drive away and has her own life. I'm the only she's got pretty much and when I leave I wonder sometmes what she's gonna do. I know I can't count on my father to support her. He's useless beyond material support. Besides everything he does is for him. He comes first. I don't really think he understands how to actually care about people. Not even his own kids...But that's another matter. And on top of that she was sponsoring some little kid in Indonesia, and she has no idea what his status is right now. For all she knows he could be dead. I gotta try to take it easy on her, and not argue so much with her about stupid shit. I don't think she needs any more hassle.
More Blogs
Tuesday Apr 12, 2005
So, today we had a realtor come to our house and look it over. She th… -
Saturday Apr 02, 2005
Okay so This week I saw 2 kickass movies based off of comic books. I… -
Thursday Mar 31, 2005
Feeling pretty down tonight. Just lonely..like in general. I feel lik… -
Monday Mar 28, 2005
HA ha! Tommorrow is my day off. I haven't had a day off since last Tu… -
Thursday Mar 24, 2005
Okay what the fuck? Today my mom says that she's serving my dad th… -
Thursday Mar 24, 2005
Random poerty from Dansquatch! watch out, its probably bad! I just wr… -
Tuesday Mar 22, 2005
Okay, Big News from the Party Boat! Well not the party boat so much… -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2005
Well, I'll take that set of Quinne and Aiden as a very hot going away… -
Sunday Mar 13, 2005
Well kids its been fun. I've enjoyed this weird and interesting littl… -
Wednesday Mar 09, 2005
Where the f have all my friends on this site gone? 2 of them dissapea…
And yes, I really am ADD. In a big way.
I'm sorry about the dilemma with your mother. I wish I had something wise or useful to say, but I've got nothing. I wish you good luck, though.