So, apparently this mess with my license has been straightened out....Waiting for confirmation right now as I am not at all about to take somebody's word for it. There is a certain somebody I need to stop thinkig about so often. I will try. Its just one of those frustrating "I like this person so damn much but NOTHING can happen" situations. Ah well. Story of my life as of late. I'm etting ready for thanksgiving...This week is going to be crazy at work. I work at a grocery store and lemme tell you: the day before turkey day is our busiest day of the year. Its freaking insanity. I also hate thanksgiving. Its a boring day. I seriously eat like barely a plateful of food and then I have nothing to do since all my friends are doing stuff with family. As for mi familia, there aint much to say. Boring, and I'm the only one my age..Not to mention I feel like such a pariah around my family. I seiously have no place there it seems. I remember a get together at the home of a family friend. Great people we're visiting, love em to death. But the thing is that they're all doing their thing and I'm literally just styanding around for like 4 hours. So I decide to leave since I'm depressed at the time anyhow. I just went out and took a walk for like 30 minutes. I came back and nobody had any idea I left. Not evenmy mom who's sitting barely 10 ft from the door. Almost facing it. This year we're eating at my aunt's...Which sucks cuz I do NOT like associating with that half of my family. More drama and bullshit than you can believe. So yes my holiday will be the suck. I jst can't wait for it to end so I can go home and go to sleep or something. Nothing else to do. *groan* At least I get holiday pay for this shit.
[Edited on Nov 24, 2004 8:42PM]