So, today we had a realtor come to our house and look it over. She thinks we can get about $300,000 for it. No shit. I had to actually clean my room to make it look presentable. I hate cleaning. I know my room looks like shit, but I don't care. I cleaned it up pretty well. I took thge time to box up most...
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Okay so This week I saw 2 kickass movies based off of comic books. I saw Constantine on Tuesady and today on Friday I saw Sin City. I still haven't read Hellblazer, which Constantine is adapted from. I bought a Sin City graphic novel on the way home after the movie. the book was "The Hard Goodbye." Its story is in the movie, and I...
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Ohhhhh ok. I didn't know that story was called "The Hard Goodbye". I have a trade paperback of it and it just says Sin City on the title So i thought thats what it was called ya'know.....cause it's the first story arc..........and I'm an idiot.
BTW I saw the movie tonight. Fucking Amazing. I have some small gripes with how they shot certain scenes and how off some of the acting was but I was pleased. My friends are calling it the best movie they've ever seen. For some reason that makes me feel very proud.
I've heard so much about God of War. I'm gonna sit out until they port it over to PC or X-Box (if it ever happens) but I really want to play it. A friend of mine says it makes all other action games pale in comparison.
BTW I saw the movie tonight. Fucking Amazing. I have some small gripes with how they shot certain scenes and how off some of the acting was but I was pleased. My friends are calling it the best movie they've ever seen. For some reason that makes me feel very proud.
I've heard so much about God of War. I'm gonna sit out until they port it over to PC or X-Box (if it ever happens) but I really want to play it. A friend of mine says it makes all other action games pale in comparison.
I'm not too bad ta & yourself? 

Feeling pretty down tonight. Just in general. I feel like I don't have anybody at all, like there's nobody there. And its not true, I know that I have friends...I dunno maybe I'm just tired of them, or the fact I feel lke I don't know them like I used to. I have so little in common with anybody I know. Its weird. I...
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I get similar feelings about my pals. Then I stop caring cause we're all "unique little snowflakes" anyway aren't we.
I got that Def Jam Fight for New York last week. It's a fucking riot. Buying bling for your character had me chuckling. Deciding how they sport their "gear" had me on the floor. Pretty fun game though, reminds me offthe old THQ wrestling games for the 64 but faster and more manic.
Sin City ought to be fucking great. I'm hoping to see it on Saturday. Did you ever get around to seeing Constantine?
I got that Def Jam Fight for New York last week. It's a fucking riot. Buying bling for your character had me chuckling. Deciding how they sport their "gear" had me on the floor. Pretty fun game though, reminds me offthe old THQ wrestling games for the 64 but faster and more manic.
Sin City ought to be fucking great. I'm hoping to see it on Saturday. Did you ever get around to seeing Constantine?
HA ha! Tommorrow is my day off. I haven't had a day off since last Tuesday. I've worked 6 days straight, most without a break. This weekend was a holiday, and as always holidays are hectic and contain stupid people. But that stressful shit is done, and now I can relax! I'm going to go see Constantine tomorrow.
There's a few concerts this month I...
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There's a few concerts this month I...
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thanks for the b-wishes !!
I won't be in SG for long though, if you want to get in touch send me an e-mail

I won't be in SG for long though, if you want to get in touch send me an e-mail

I actually got it from another forum. They could've gotten it from SA but Im not sure.
Okay what the fuck?
Today my mom says that she's serving my dad the divorce papers inthe next 2 to 3 months. By that time she intends to have the house up for sale. Now the original plan was to wait till the end of this year at the soonest to sell the house. This a lot fucking sooner! I have NO idea where the...
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Today my mom says that she's serving my dad the divorce papers inthe next 2 to 3 months. By that time she intends to have the house up for sale. Now the original plan was to wait till the end of this year at the soonest to sell the house. This a lot fucking sooner! I have NO idea where the...
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ah man that totally sucks,,, i hope you can find a place soon..
Thanks for the teste. buwahahaha.
I wrote u one, too.

Random poerty from Dansquatch! watch out, its probably bad! I just wrote it. Its freestyle, like basically all my stuff. I arrange it however I want and think it up as I go along.
Here you go:
"Puzzled" by Dansquatch
Break me into pieces
And sort them out
Tag them and separate them
Study this thing I have become
I'm such a mess
Without the...
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Here you go:
"Puzzled" by Dansquatch
Break me into pieces
And sort them out
Tag them and separate them
Study this thing I have become
I'm such a mess
Without the...
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Okay, Big News from the Party Boat!
Well not the party boat so much as from me. It looks like I won't be internetless after all. My old man is looking at switching to Netzero or some other dial up provider that 's on the cheap side. So this means I won't be suffering from withdrawal after being separated by the cold and impersonal expanse...
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Well not the party boat so much as from me. It looks like I won't be internetless after all. My old man is looking at switching to Netzero or some other dial up provider that 's on the cheap side. So this means I won't be suffering from withdrawal after being separated by the cold and impersonal expanse...
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thank u

Well, I'll take that set of Quinne and Aiden as a very hot going away present.
I just want to make it clear that when I do leave, I do intend to come back. It just might be a while. I really don't know.

Sorry to see you go.
Best of luck with everything concerning your family. Like roy said keep us all psted at Uranium.
[Edited on Mar 18, 2005 4:36PM]
Best of luck with everything concerning your family. Like roy said keep us all psted at Uranium.
[Edited on Mar 18, 2005 4:36PM]
Well kids its been fun. I've enjoyed this weird and interesting little online community in the time I've been here. But I must leave. I'm not sure exactly how long I'll be sticking around, but it can't be much longer. My dad is cutting the internet, and within the next 4 to 6 months I will have to leave my home. this home that has...
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catch you around and don't forget to update us on the uranium board!
best of luck.
best of luck.
Where the f have all my friends on this site gone? 2 of them dissapeared and 3 of them have gone gray. I miss them.
In other news, my personal life= damaged. But nothing is new there. My mom may have possibly lost her job. If so, there is a chance we may have to sell the house. We'll be loaded afterward, but we'll have...
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In other news, my personal life= damaged. But nothing is new there. My mom may have possibly lost her job. If so, there is a chance we may have to sell the house. We'll be loaded afterward, but we'll have...
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hey dude, it's sad to hear all the bad shit that's gone down, I read the post you made last week at uranium and shit man... I don't know how to reply, I mean, I can't give advice or anything because only you know what's up and whats right and wrong, but I can say I feel for ya dude.
not to mention the car deal... I mean, you can't even get it fixed without probably getting fucked again... It's a shame how all the shit hits you at once, but that's life, I suppose.
best of luck man.
not to mention the car deal... I mean, you can't even get it fixed without probably getting fucked again... It's a shame how all the shit hits you at once, but that's life, I suppose.
best of luck man.
So how was your weekend? I had a Friday off for a change. So since I had the time to work out a little I did. I went out and did some jogging/running. After I came back I hit the weights a little. I figured I'd go see a movie. Since none of my friends seem to be free when I am, I had to...
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I went out w/ some friends, and got drunkard.

I went to the Ren Fest last Sat and I am going again this weekend. I go every year (in costume). I miss Largo though. Anyhow... just thought I would say hello. 

yeah, the mac-11 still works to a degree. The silencer is broken and the shoulder stock is a little loose but it still fires. The revolver is fubar though.
I'd advise against buying it from me. It's gone through so many of my friends' bs stunts that I'm surprised it hasn't exploded in our hands. You can probably find a much nicer, cleaner, and more durable one online.
and yeah. Al looks alot like a hotter, younger Baroness from G.I Joe in that photoset.