Friends death day has passed this year. Shout out to my parents who died on 9/14/1990 and 9/14/1995. A long time ago. As i get older, i’ve lived more life without them than with. Friends and family are becoming sick and infirm around me. But these two people gave me everything i needed to love life by the time i was 25 when they were both gone.
The last 3 years? September gets me down. Kids going back to school. Anniversaries happening, birthdays, 9/11, all these dates. This year? For some reason on 9/13? Two leaders at my company tore me a new asshole. I’m not even sure why, except they seemed to dislike me since i hired 20 mos ago. This was the first time they gave me formal feedback. And it was all so negative? They blamed me for so many problems that they themselves are responsible for? I became a scapegoat. It felt awful, and the last few days have been some of the hardest of my life.
I’ll recover. My ego was small to begin with. Rebuilding and being positive is something i’m good at. I’m just glad i’m past 9/14.