Last year we moved into a two story house. We lived in a single story for more than 10 years. Since we moved into this new house? I don’t spend much time upstairs. We have an office up there, but i don’t use it. I work downstairs.
A big part of this is these two girls in my life. I have this comfy couch. And my two ancient dachshunds sleeping next to me. It’s like heaven on earth to nap with them.
I miss my bed and my wife though. Sometimes i bring titi, the oldest one to bed with me. She won’t allow us to be seperated. But she can only sleep up there a couple hrs before she needs to be let out to pee.
So i think it will only last as long as they are both alive. The younger one is blind. Has not experienced upstairs much yet. The older one can no longer make it up and down stairs. 13 and 16, every day is special now.