My poor doggie. Another weekend of 4am trips to the hospital. Breaks my heart, she is so old and i just don’t know how best to help her.
A few days ago something happened to her. We don’t know what, but she injured herself possibly trying to learn stairs in our new house. She started whining and not being able to move easily, like she pulled a muscle, had a back or hip problem. After taking her to the hospital, she got put on pain meds. Hydrocodone and a fentanyl patch. Xrays show nothing but arthritis in her joints. She already takes joint care stuff. But after tripping out on meds, puking a few times, now she has opiod based constipation. And while she is more comfy with her pain, she cannot relieve herself.
I’ve been feeding her pumpkin, but she doesn’t want to eat much. She has to see her vet today or tomorrow. I guess she just needs time for whatever this injury is to heal. And no more stairs, we will carry her up and down if she lets us pick her up.