I'd never heard this term before. My 12 year old son labeled me yesterday. Since trump won the election, i've become on of these. I used to be apolitical. Now i rant stupidly like a motherfucker. Trying to understand. Get my head straight. Find my moral compass.
I've become judgmental. In the course of pointing it out in others. I cannot manage the urge to resist. I blog the shit out of strangers, strangers that have opposing views who argue with me deeply, and i have come to almost love them. You see, my brother whom i'm closest to on the planet. He voted for the donald and has become extreme right wing conservative. Him and i can no longer talk politics. 9 years older than me. Discovered catholicism late in life and is close to god. Changed completely absorbed into a bubble of texas oil and gas conservativism. Totes 5 guns with a conceal and carry permit. He's the last motherfucker that should have guns, that guy had an extreme mental break one time unexpectedly 20 years ago.
Sorry to dump. I'm just a little lost.