After three months of absence I return. Three months of insanity and visits to the USA etc... Crazy stuff.

Anyway. I'm now in my new Canterbury home and happy. All good really.
Hello world.
Now that the stress and the horror of the exam period is over I am putting one foot in front of the other.
Or rather, filling out forms.
Camp America forms, rent payments, next year's housing agreements.... etc. ad infinitum.

When it was speculated the world would become paperless one day they should have really thought out just how hideously immense beuracracy can...
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Time for a positive post.

All I have to say is that now my exams are done I can get on with fixing all the things I didn't like about the university societies I am in. Time well spent on yet more university politics and power playing.

It's so much fun I could pop. smile
Being poly is not to a wonderful utopic thing.
I don't even condone it.

Experience has taught me one on one will always show the most benefit and have the greatest intensities (at least for me).
When people tell me I should loosen up and all that I get rather angry. Especially when being poly would mean I would let them make a move on...
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Yesterday I was told the simple truth. If I want more friends I must become less of a geek and get back to my gothier leanings.
The temptation has always been there. To fit back in and not have people lampoon me for my goofiness and my terrible impressions (I am like a crack ridden soundbox sometimes) but I really like who I am right...
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I hate my degree. One night left to revise Macroeconomics. I would break down and cry if it weren't for the fact that it wouldn't actually do me any good.
Apart from that life is good as I got accepted onto the Camp America programme and will be swanning off to the US at some point if I find the time to fill in all...
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You missed your chance actually - the DVDs were only 12 on Amazon last month, but now they've gone back up to 20. That's still worth every penny mind you... smile
and see that... that sounds like the suck.
Upon returning to Canterbury I find that I have three weeks to revise my entire course. Any lesser mortal would have a heart attack at the thought. Me, I start planning how I will divide up my day starting tomorrow.
In better news I have finally gotten my coleection of Type O negative songs off my laptop and onto my desktop thanks to my housemate...
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No offence, but isn't Duelmasters just a dumbed-down Manga version of Magic? Mind you if it gives you an excuse to play with your little bro' then I guess that's ok... tongue

Me I'm still trying to find someone to play the new Cthulhu CCG with. Damn fine game, but I guess a rather more acquired taste. wink
3 weeks to revise a course is a loooong time biggrin
Coursework as they say, is over.

Now all I have to do is revise for my exams, cover my rent and bills and try to stay sane with all the other stuff I do.

Here goes nothing, as they also say, though I forget who this mysterious "they" are...
I ask for nothing! .. and you shall get it! IN ABUNDANCE! tongue
Quick update: Life is getting progressively more hectic with Essays and tests all over the place. I need to get out of here and go back to Essex. Tha sooner the better.
There I will hole up with my family and with Sarah and get some revision done while being safely away from my box room in Canterbury.
Then the real stress can begin. puke

I finally have news.

A pair of lecturers, not mere students, want to join the local roleplay and CCG geek group. Namely the adventure gaming society. Best of all, they are interested in my deadlands game.

Sweet. I love my little geek kingdom.
Deadlands is a great game. They clearly have taste. smile