Well, it looks like I was right about the weather. Spent a good bit of time yesterday and today shoveling snow. I also wasted alot of yesterday trying to get all of my CD's into iTunes so that I can put them on the ipod I got for Christmas. I put a pretty good dent in the collection. I have them shelved alphabetically and started at the top and made it to Clapton. I haven't been going to bed as early as I should have been lately, so I am uber-tired today. So I think the rest of the day is just going to be lounging about watching stuff that has been building up on the DVR. Cheers all !!!
Yeah, I coloured it again. Coz I did a shoot with Akemi and IhsanPhotography, it was getting faded, and I wanted it to look good. You must have a lot of CDs if you only made it to C!