I Have Crushed My Crush
I have not been able get a girl out of my mind for the last three years. I have constantly been thinking of her and urning to be by her. The whole time knowing things cannot work out becasue we have different aspirations, complicated schedules, and overall are not a good match. She gave me a ride home today, and as excited as I was to see her, I never want to be around her again. I have pushed other people out of my life, and not let others in becuase I have this area reserved for her. I think the reason I have not been able to shake her is because she has never rejected me, and also never really accepted me. It's a good thing I have not been sitting around wating for her. My love life has always been moving along. I just don't understand why I have pined for her for so long.
Other Stuuf:
Karaoke ended early yesterday which meant that the bar hoping also started early. My sister should come down next week. She's always fun to have around. I am thinking of changeing my profile picture, but the current one is just so much fun. My TV will be fixed by myself manana (I really need a spanish keyboard). No more drinking Guiness for me. I have managed to stay off the stuff for months, but once it hits your lips...
Dano, Over and Out
This is not meant to be a sappy entry. It is more of a proclamation of how the ladies can easily confuse me (for three years).
I have not been able get a girl out of my mind for the last three years. I have constantly been thinking of her and urning to be by her. The whole time knowing things cannot work out becasue we have different aspirations, complicated schedules, and overall are not a good match. She gave me a ride home today, and as excited as I was to see her, I never want to be around her again. I have pushed other people out of my life, and not let others in becuase I have this area reserved for her. I think the reason I have not been able to shake her is because she has never rejected me, and also never really accepted me. It's a good thing I have not been sitting around wating for her. My love life has always been moving along. I just don't understand why I have pined for her for so long.
Other Stuuf:
Karaoke ended early yesterday which meant that the bar hoping also started early. My sister should come down next week. She's always fun to have around. I am thinking of changeing my profile picture, but the current one is just so much fun. My TV will be fixed by myself manana (I really need a spanish keyboard). No more drinking Guiness for me. I have managed to stay off the stuff for months, but once it hits your lips...
Dano, Over and Out
This is not meant to be a sappy entry. It is more of a proclamation of how the ladies can easily confuse me (for three years).
I'm ready, Dano!
I never knew you were so cute! I always thought you were gay from your profile pic. Because everyone knows how much gay guys like tits. hmmm, who knew!?