I Got This Bitch Rollin' Now
Not everyone is aware of the fact that I own and operate two companies. One is a computer network consulting company, and the other is a graphic and web design company. I haven't been able to become a thousand-aire off those businesses. However, over the past two weeks I have made some significant partnerships and deals with my design company, f13 Designs. I now am subletting a office in Hollywood, with my photographer partner. Which means I now have access to lights, a studio, some high end cameras, and models. I have also obtained a project manager to work with me. I am now going to finish up my compnay site, and publish my personal website. It is a really exciting time for me. My consultng company has been keeping me afloat for years, but know I am going to concentrate all my efforts on f13.
I just wish I could find my camera, so I can add some content to my desings.
I found my glasses though
Not everyone is aware of the fact that I own and operate two companies. One is a computer network consulting company, and the other is a graphic and web design company. I haven't been able to become a thousand-aire off those businesses. However, over the past two weeks I have made some significant partnerships and deals with my design company, f13 Designs. I now am subletting a office in Hollywood, with my photographer partner. Which means I now have access to lights, a studio, some high end cameras, and models. I have also obtained a project manager to work with me. I am now going to finish up my compnay site, and publish my personal website. It is a really exciting time for me. My consultng company has been keeping me afloat for years, but know I am going to concentrate all my efforts on f13.
I just wish I could find my camera, so I can add some content to my desings.

I found my glasses though

I didn't realize I was holding the saw backwards on that pic until I read your comment. lol
It's hard to know why some sets get in and others don't. I don't know what they are looking for but I won't give up and I will try my best next time.
Your work is lovely! You do mainly flash? Well done, very well done. I work mainly in java servlets (it's utilitarian stuff) and it doesn't look half as good as your stuff.
It's great that your company is taking off so well! Good luck for the future - I hope it continues to go well!