My missus is looking at wedding dresses today and stressing out. She worries far too much. It is times like this that it really sucks having an ocean thousands of miles wide between us.
More Blogs
Saturday Mar 31, 2007
Not in my back yard, Sonny. -
Tuesday Feb 06, 2007
Aha! My second blog entry in 7 months. I am becoming prolific at thi… -
Tuesday Nov 14, 2006
Having realised it is over 4 months since my last blog, I guess I may… -
Saturday Aug 12, 2006
I'm just pissing about at my folks for the weekend. My youngest niec… -
Thursday Jun 29, 2006
Well the wedding is looking all set. Probably going to have it in th… -
Thursday Jun 22, 2006
My missus is looking at wedding dresses today and stressing out. She… -
Monday Jun 12, 2006
OK, ok, so Im finally updating. I'm crap at these things. Guess I sh… -
Wednesday Dec 07, 2005
Ok, so after 8 months, I have finally broken my sabbatical and got my… -
Thursday Oct 20, 2005
ok, so this is my first update in over 2 months, so sue me. Im bac… -
Thursday Aug 18, 2005
I guess i should really update this thing. Im back in old blighty af…
your a scourser, I'm a scourser so I think we need to be friends.