Journal removed for the time being
I have never actually been in the snow, you should put up some pics, so we can see. I know how you feel about getting spiritual and introspective, I have been slowly travelling down that path myself...not religios, but spiritual..it's very calming. kiss
maybe ask to sit in a few circles with the tribes up there. it's very powerful hearing the stories of the native americans. and their view of life and spirit is amazing.

I have been having the incredibly odd urge to cry lately. I suppose if I was terribly unhappy, or has just recieved some sad news, I could understand it, but none of this is the case. Although teaching has been dragging me down, I would not consider myself to especially melloncholly, and in fact I've been enjoying having the house to myself and finally having...
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I think its wonderful that you are not afraid to express your emotions! Unfortunately in our society, men are trained not to cry, and that makes it worse. There is nothing wrong with crying at all, if you feel the urge for any reason, go with it, truxt me, you will fell better than holding it in. I am an extremely emotional person and I cry a lot, and I dont care who see's me, I just let it out...if feels good, and its healthy...So stop bieng so hard on yourself! kiss

Journal removed for the time being
i think you can watch the premire of LOST at abc.com.......you have to see it.
which is why i dont like to be around teenagers, they bug me. eeek
I love having my own place again! Its hard to believe that its been two years or more since I truly lived by myself, and only then for a couple of months. I helped move my roomate out yesterday and then busied myself rearranging the house to suite me; I even went on to the internet and ordered several posters and wall hangings to help...
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congrats on having your own place and privacy!!! biggrin
i read this yesterday and didn't even notice your mention of wierd al.

i'm a HUGE weird al fan.

coping is such a learned behavior, and if you learn it growing up(i certainly didn't), you have to learn it very quickly when you're in the real world.

I see to be updating my journal a lot more these days; it seems to have taken the place of my old fashioned paper one which I stopped keeping last year. I figure that I'll go back to it eventually; but for the time being, this is it and its not entirely a bad substitute. After all, I never had anyone commenting on my old...
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Thank you again for the sweet comments. blush Screw your roomate if he can't take Ozzy! He rocks! wink Hmmm...Ma. has plenty of places for rent you know. wink Well happy alone winning...and that girl may just show up at your door...you never know.
Have a great weekend! biggrin
you don't want to live with someone who can't appreciate ozzy.

oh, i'm all right. drama seems to have all subsided. it's in my last few journals, if you haven't read them.

i would totally come over to your house, whether mom and dad were in bed or not. tongue

Well, I went to my first funeral today. One of the elders in our village died last Thursday and the funeral was today; following the traditional three day viewing of the body at the deceased house. Last year there were several deaths in the village, but I never went to any of the services; I wasn't sure how it would look, being new to the...
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I come from a large family, I have been to many, many funerals, its never easy,,,,,,,what type of village do you live in?
Thank you for the comment! smile blush

I have been sitting here, trying to think of the correct words to start this journal for some time; its currently 1:42 in the morning according to my helpful computer clock, and so my brain is currently passing into that stage where it is at its most creative, but also where it is beginning to get a bit sluggish. I love this time of the...
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I was online at about the same time loast night writing my blog. I feel creative then too, which sucks because I really should be sleeping. But if I never had to work again then I wouldnt care when I got to sleep as long as I got some, I actually like staying up late, im more of a night owl....Those teen's must really drive you mad most of the time.

Well, another short post; I read over the last one a few days ago and realized how dreadfully depressing it sounded. I'm really not sinking into a state of meloncholia, I swear (at least, I don't suspect that I am). A large part of it seems to have come from being sick, trying to quit smoking, and a few other things. By Saturday my mood...
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i love this journal. i remember in high school, cussing was the easy way out. so my friends and i used to say things mixed up. "why don't you go back off into your own jackyard, you futher mocking bun of a sitch!!"

got looks from the teachers, but at least i was being intelligent about it.

per what you said in my journal: if i could smother you with hugs and smooches, i would. you're a darling.
You are quite the man, dealing with these kids, you have patience, something which I am severly lacking. The kids I worked with for a few years were 3 months to 12 years. Let me tell you, I could not stand bieng around the 12 yeard old's!!......I prefer the 2-4 age range, they are easier to deal with (most of the time!).......but do I miss it?.NO, but do I miss some of the kids in particular?..yes, I do. wink

love the family pix, I definately see the resemblances!!
I've decided to take a short break from writing my biography for the time being; I figure that there is at least one or two posts left in it, and that writing them would take a bit more effort that I currently wish to expend. Also, I've noticed that since I started there has been a lull in the amount of posts I've been getting...
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what age do you teach? confused
I could never teach anyone anything.. I lack patience.. The German and Italian kind of killed that for me *L*

As far as the teeth clenching, thanks for the FYI - I tend to do that a lot too! eeek Now I'll try not to!

Have a great weekend!
More excerts from my future biography smile

Further exerts from "America's Little Giant"

... Dan McCollum's semester abroad to Ireland proved to be one of the most successful and happiest times in his life. It would mark the first of several trips to Europe in his life, the place where he would meet two of his greatest friends; Douglas Webb and Jack Guinan, and would inaugerate...
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This entry actually made me go back and read the previous two. I found all three to be very interesting and well written. I don't think you portray yourself in a bad light at all. In fact I'd say you have managed to portray yourself as having a good combination of confidence and humility without ever crossing the line in to self deprecation or arrogance. I can't wait to read more. smile
i haven't been in a lot of journals lately. and that shit is a LOT to read, yo!