Yes, its been a while since I last updated this and I apologize for that. I unfortunately fell into a rather miserable funk for several weeks and I rightly supposed that no one else on this site wanted to have to hear my whining; they most likely had their own problems after all. I'm not a fan of drama queens, so the least I can do is not be one myself!
So, whats been up as of late? Well, most importantly I now have a job with Americorp down in Madison. The pay isn't the best, but the work seems like it will be fulfilling, it'll be in a town I've wanted in live in for years, and it will be a good stepping stone to brighter and better things as well. It will also give me type to dabble my fingers in local politics and, as anyone who knows me knows, I will be Governor of Wisconsin some day
I've also been hard at work on my epic poem "The Tree-Splitters". Well, perhaps hard at work is the wrong term, but I've written a good three or four pages in the past few weeks. You might scoff, but 4 pages of poetry is much ahrder than prose, especially when your still trying to tell a story which laces together several differant types of folklore. Most people who've taken a look at it seem to like it so far, so I think I might be on to something. Even if I'm not though, I need to tell this story; it's been burning a whole in my brain for over a year now.
"Hark and Here me A Humble Poet
As i tell a tale of times gone by
When heroes walked this wonder-land
And Daring Dangerous Deeds were done"
Gotta get to know the bus routes to campus and where the good haunts are over there. Used to be that Jolly Bob's was great for drinks, but for good jerk pork and whatnot try one of the other Jamaican places along Willy. I forget which one I liked better. There's also this Lao-Thai place called Lao Laang Xiang that is out-fuckin'-standing. The curry squash is to die for. Plenty of bars. If you like the blues, the Crystal Corner would get some really good acts. I did most of my drinking at Mickey's which is on Willy and the river.