I am going to write something upon this page, knowing full well that it may make me appear to be as mad as the proverbal hatter. So be it; I'm used to it. Also, judging from the lack of responses I've been getting to my journal; I'm of the growing opinion that no one reads this anyway, and so I'm safe
I believe that I am currently embarked upon a quest, in the Joseph Campell sense. When I say this, I do not mean that I am galavanting around the countryside looking for giants or ogres to slay, but rather that I am currently involved in a deeply personal journey which, although it is taking its toll, shall hopefully leave me stronger and possessed of a greater self knowledge than which I currently have.
It would explain a great deal of my emotions over the past several months, including my near obsessive reading of mythic epics, and addiction of any story which follows the heroic cycle. It would seem that, sub-conciously at least, I have been seeking inspiration.
At least this explains, in one regard, the absolute lack of companionship I've found during the past several months; the quest is a personal journey and is rarely, if ever, one which you can embark upon while accompanionied by others. It is also a very long and hard task which can test your reserves.
And so, with this all in mind, I will continue upon my path of Student Teaching, at least until the semester is at an end and I move on to Grad School. I don't know exactly what it is I am supposed to learn about myself in these next few months, but I am sure it is important and crucial.
you are such a beautiful, insightful man.