Its been over a week since I last updated this journal, and I apologize for that. Things have been hectic as all hell here lately, and I'm afraid that my SG journal was not the top priority upon my mind at the time.
Things have gotten a good deal better in the past few days. I am no longer student teaching in English and am, instead, focusing solely upon Sophmore History. This hasn't freed up a lot of time, mind you, but it has allowed me to consolidate my attention upon one topic, and only have to keep one department's rules in mind.
Making matters even better, I've begun to go to bed earlier, meaning that I am fully rested when I step out of my car in the morning. I'd prefer to stay up later, I truly would, but I don't believe that its currently in the cards for me. So I'll take my rest when I can get it and hope that it makes a differance.
Finally, and maybe most importantly, Fall is coming and is right around the corner. The leaves have already started to change colors, and the air is crisp and nippy. Its the best damn time of the year, the one when I feel most alive and myself. wOOt wOOt as they say