Homo Jocko by Devo
A completely random video that has NOTHING to do with my bellow post, except that I've recently been getting into Devo and some 80s New Wave and underground music. Its all fun
Tonight is a Marquette night, the type I used to experience all too frequently back in my college days. Its after 1 o'clock and I'm terribly restless; a heavy summer air is hanging over the city of Fargo, my friends are all out doing their own thing (One is spending the night with his special lady friend, and another is hanging out with some Hippi friends of ours.) and so I've been left to my own devises for the night.
Ah, does this bring back memories. I remember when this used to plague me a few years back, and the easiest solution was to jump into the car and take an hour long drive out into the country. I'd simply throw some tunes onto the radio, roll the windows down, and let the night air purify me as I drove. If I was lucky, I'd give one of my friends a call and see if they wanted to come along; we were all insomniacs back in those days (Oddly enough, I, apparently, still am. I'd been having the worst trouble sleeping since summer started; a fact which I blame largely on the heat, and my apartment building's faulty air conditioning).
Sadly, with the price of gas being what it is these days, I doubt that my old medication simply isn't all that feasible anymore. I might be able to trick myself into a late night trip to Wal-Mart for groceries yet, but thats assuming that my restless nature is able to overcome my dislike of that company (they pissed me off a few weeks ago when I went to buy a CD and remembered, too late, that they only sell edited versions of music. WalMart: We have no problem with child labor, or not paying our employees a living wage. But Potty Language? Thats where we draw the line! )
The Summer has been a good one so far. I've managed to make two good friends in my building over the past few months. Both are a few years younger than me, a fact which I originally felt awkward about but have since gotten over, and live upstairs from my room. We've spent most of the past few months watching movies, being addicted to the Venture Brothers, and going out to parties. I seriously have not partied this much since I lived in Ireland and I've been enjoying every minute of it.
Best about all of this, is that I've come into contact again with people my own age (Well, we're all in our 20s, that ain't bad, right!? ) and have come to realize that my social skills hadn't atrophied all that much during my two years in Alaska. People generally seem to like me where ever I go, and I might even becoming, dare I say it, somewhat popular (eeeeeeeeek!) The funny thing is, is that even back during my under grad years, I was never a huge party goer; most of the time I'd just get together with a small group of friends, play cards, and drink. Being around a larger group of people is actually fun and interesting.
Personally, I'm just trying to get some pent up wildness out. Next semester is going to be rough on me; I'm presented three papers at two different conferences, having to retake the dreaded Methodology class, am TAing for the new Professor in the department, and also am trying to find ways to get to two of my best friends' weddings which are a month apart, one being in October in DC and the second taking place in Detroit sometime in November.
In other words, I'm going to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off for the next few months, and may have very little time to get out, so I might as well get it out of my system while I can (this is the argument I give me Mother, who seems to believe I should have settled down a long time ago. My Father, more understanding of the matter, has given me his blessing ). I hope it'll work, although a night like tonight makes me wonder; I go a night without anything to do, and I'm practically bouncing off the walls.
One final bit of news: I got tickets to go to "The Dark Knight" tomorrow at Midnight. WOOOOOO; I'm super excited, this movie is going to kick ass.
Happy New Year. I am glad t know someone as decent and grounded as you are.
Hope your new year is rad!