Before I begin this journal, I want to point your eyes towards a video posted on youtube. Those of you who have been following my blog mind remember that a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of doing some restoration work on a old farm in Western North Dakota with a group from my class. This video is from that trip; pay attention to the short greaser stumbling around determiend to do just as much hard labor, if not more than everyone else. That's ME!

All right, now that that's taken care of I feel that I must write something in here that I never thought I'd never have the chance to say again: I'm bored.
God, I can't believe I just wrote that, but its the case. You see, for the past two weeks I've been pushing even harder than usual; I had two rough drafts due within that period, one last Wednesday and the other today. Both of these papers had to be, roughly, 20 pages long, and I've spent the past two months working nightly on gathering and reading the sources needed for those papers. Each night I'd come home from work or school and spent about three hours reading. And, in case you think I'm exagerating, I'm not; at least 3 hours a night went into research and reading.
And now, they're done. The rough drafts at least. That isn't to say that I've washed my hands of those papers; there are still a few sources I want to read through so I can expand the final copies a bit. I'm also sure that both of my professors will have futher suggestions in regards to both of them; these are, after all, the first two papers I've written in grad school, the first papers I've written in a number of years, come to think about it. I may be an arrogant man by nature, but I'm not so socky as to think that either of these is perfect.
Of course, they're better than they have any right to be. Now that I'm back in school, I fell back into my old habit of having my Father edit my papers for me. He's relatively impartial, a strickler for grammar and a genuinley good editor. After reading the first of my papers through, he handed it off to his boss; a man who had taught at my current univeristy for 20 + years, and who pushed strongly for me to apply here. Andy (the boss) has taken a bit of a liking to me over the past few years and, apparently, was quiet happy to look my work over; after reading it, he announced that despite a few small problems, it was a good paper. Much better than he had thought it was be, in fact; much better than he would have assumed the first paper of a first semester grad student could possibly be.
Apparently, when it coems to writing, I've still got it

Anyway, this is all a very round about way of saying that I've just finished the two biggest hurdles of the semester; a vast majority of my work is done and, for the first time in months, I find that I have free time!
Unfortunately, I've been working so hard for the past 8-10 weeks, that I suddenly don't know what to do with myself any longer! There are no papers to write, no long books to read through. I'm lost! I am, and this still shocks me to no end, bored out of my mind!