All Hail King Autumn! He with the crown of leaves, and robe of brown grass. His cheeks rosy from the sting of the wind, and his eyes as bright as a clear Fall sky. The lord of the harvest who carried a scyth in one hand and a cornocopia on the other.
Fall down in praise of the Lord of the season!
October has come again, and I can feel its fingers massaging my heart as they always do. My October mood, a long noticed phenomenom of this time of year, has been creeping up on me and I've weclomed it with open arms.
Ah! Fall! No other time of the year speaks as powerfully to my soul. I could do nothing else but stand out in the forest and breath, and be at total peace with myself. The crackle of the try leaves under my foot, the biting chill of the air, the damp moistness of the wind all stir something within in.
It is the time of the year when I want to lay down and pull the earth up and over myself and just be; at peace, with no distractions or complications.
Today I stepped out of the library on campus, having just put in two hours of work into a project, and a gust of wind blew out of the north to welcome me. It struck me full bore and I could do nothing else but just smile and allow myself a giddy laugh.
There is something about this time of the year that inspires me; it was four years ago that I first started my epic poem, an idea which largely sprung from the chilly winds and wailing voices of the North Woods. I often feel more alive and full of energy; while others are lamenting the death of Summer, I'm busy throwing sod upon its grave and dancing in joy.
That isn't to say that it doesn't come with some problems, of course. When I called an old friend and talked to her about the coming of October she asked me if I didn't get depressed this time of year.
The answer is 'no', but its easy to see how some could see it that way. (Actually, when Seasonal Affected Depression does strike down at me, its more often in January) I do have a tendency of withdrawing more during this month; turning myself inward and exploring my more introverted qualities. Many times I'll begin a reading regimum of psychology, mythology and philosophy to saite my appitate for such things; and I will usually become much more spiritual and let my mytical side out to play.

I'm a very cycical person and atuned to the changing of the seasons; expressing different parts of my self at different points of the year. I've long since learned to submit to it and allow them to run their courses; trying to pigeonhole my interests/moods due to a perceived neccesity only drives me into misery and meloncholly; two things I try to avoid at all times.
I have learned to take steps to make sure I don't pull back too much; especially now when I desperatly need to begin to build up a social life. Although, tempering it to much may not be wise; seeing as how I need to study so much these days, a period of introversion may not be horrible.
I'm going to put a Hank Williams song below. Although its one of the saddest, I think, he ever wrote; its one of my favorites and captures the season well in its starkness. Enjoy
Do you always post such great blog entries? I think I need to lurk you a tad bit more often