I'm drunk and, until recently, I had all caplocks on. I fixed that. Please excuse any typos which might appear in this document.
So, where to begin? Well, I've been running myself ragged. I've decided that the only way to make it through my first semester of grad school is to work hard, at the espense of my health. Considering how mt body is currently screamig, I'm pretty sure I'll manage to work myserlf into a case of phneumonia or influensia by the end of the semester. Sadly, this seems to be the only way to get throug hthe semester with good enough grades to stay in the program; so I'll give myself up unto this illness with no major qualms. If it gets me through these next few months, phneumonia is a perfectly reasonable price to pay.
That being said, I refuse t go down without a fight and to not enjoy myself at all. Tonight Joey Allcorn, a traditonalist country singer, was in town and I went to the show. I decided that I deserved one good night of drunkeness after the shit I've put myself through this week.
He was amazing! Below is a video of some of his songs.
My godl; what a country singer!
I ran into my tattoo artist at the show and we spent the entire night talking. He offered to do a tattoo of Hank Williams Sr for me, free of charge, because he thinks a protrait of that m,an would get him some press. I think I'm going to take him up on the offer. Hank Sr is one of my musical heros and, I can't see myself regretting haing his likeness of my arm 30 years down the road at all.
Hank Sr wrote about human stories and,m lord knows, I've lived nearly every one of his songs. D O. That was the girl I was obsessed wth back in High School.
I don't blame her for not goign out with me back in the day; although I've been reading some of my journals anmd discovered, to my suprise, that I was a pretty likably huy back tyhen, I was weak. Miss O was never one to like weak guys and, once again, I can't blame her.
But the fact remains that Hank Sr wrote about those times, without ever knowing me personally (how could he? He died in '53?") All of those songs about heart break, lonliness and even happiness remind me of those years so personally I have to assume he somehow know who I was and what I would go through.
Raise a glass to the past! Raise a glass to the Dan McColllum who once was and who currently is! Slainte! Nostrovia! HEALTH!
Joey Allcorn sang all of those great old songs and nearly brought tears to my eyes because I've known nearly everyone of them/ Rodrigo, my artist, even bought me his CD (I don't know why he did that; I think I'll dorp it off at the shop after I load it onto my computer for the iPod)
IUn other news, I've been chasing after this korean girl at work; her name is kirsitian and she's a total cutie. A bit heavy set, but she's a music major, and seesm to be totally in control of her emotions (unlike me, most of the time). She's only 19, so I tihnk I'm going to invite her out to a movie next time I see her. She's already offered to tune up my guitar so I can learn to play it. When I get enough time to form a band, this will come in ver y very useful!
I gotta go for the night; I'm still drunk (I REALLLLLLLY should have driven home) but i'll look forward to your responses!
So, where to begin? Well, I've been running myself ragged. I've decided that the only way to make it through my first semester of grad school is to work hard, at the espense of my health. Considering how mt body is currently screamig, I'm pretty sure I'll manage to work myserlf into a case of phneumonia or influensia by the end of the semester. Sadly, this seems to be the only way to get throug hthe semester with good enough grades to stay in the program; so I'll give myself up unto this illness with no major qualms. If it gets me through these next few months, phneumonia is a perfectly reasonable price to pay.
That being said, I refuse t go down without a fight and to not enjoy myself at all. Tonight Joey Allcorn, a traditonalist country singer, was in town and I went to the show. I decided that I deserved one good night of drunkeness after the shit I've put myself through this week.
He was amazing! Below is a video of some of his songs.
My godl; what a country singer!
I ran into my tattoo artist at the show and we spent the entire night talking. He offered to do a tattoo of Hank Williams Sr for me, free of charge, because he thinks a protrait of that m,an would get him some press. I think I'm going to take him up on the offer. Hank Sr is one of my musical heros and, I can't see myself regretting haing his likeness of my arm 30 years down the road at all.
Hank Sr wrote about human stories and,m lord knows, I've lived nearly every one of his songs. D O. That was the girl I was obsessed wth back in High School.
I don't blame her for not goign out with me back in the day; although I've been reading some of my journals anmd discovered, to my suprise, that I was a pretty likably huy back tyhen, I was weak. Miss O was never one to like weak guys and, once again, I can't blame her.
But the fact remains that Hank Sr wrote about those times, without ever knowing me personally (how could he? He died in '53?") All of those songs about heart break, lonliness and even happiness remind me of those years so personally I have to assume he somehow know who I was and what I would go through.
Raise a glass to the past! Raise a glass to the Dan McColllum who once was and who currently is! Slainte! Nostrovia! HEALTH!
Joey Allcorn sang all of those great old songs and nearly brought tears to my eyes because I've known nearly everyone of them/ Rodrigo, my artist, even bought me his CD (I don't know why he did that; I think I'll dorp it off at the shop after I load it onto my computer for the iPod)
IUn other news, I've been chasing after this korean girl at work; her name is kirsitian and she's a total cutie. A bit heavy set, but she's a music major, and seesm to be totally in control of her emotions (unlike me, most of the time). She's only 19, so I tihnk I'm going to invite her out to a movie next time I see her. She's already offered to tune up my guitar so I can learn to play it. When I get enough time to form a band, this will come in ver y very useful!
I gotta go for the night; I'm still drunk (I REALLLLLLLY should have driven home) but i'll look forward to your responses!
You have a class where Rawhide is an assignment? That's too cool for school.
About the Gene Vincent t-shirt, you may have to go DIY. I suggest a a stencil of a blue cap and his greasiness' name on a white-t or across the back of a blue or red windbreaker (ala dean in rebel)
have fun!
Smashed on a Sunday night? I should go to Grad School!