Marquette, MI AKA Heaven on Earth
I think I felt a ghost today, or became a ghost myself. Perhaps the two are actually the same thing, when one gets right down to it.
I was leaving the WalMart in town, having purchased a few needed supplies for my house and turned in an application for work, when I carelessly made my way towards the exist with my goods. At that moment, the slide doors opened and a faint gust of tepid moisture laidened air blew into the store and struck me in the heart.
For a second, I was in another time and place; roughly three years ago in Marquette, Michigan, leaving work and heading home after a hard day behind the register. Gods, the air even smelt the same, if you can believe it! It reminded me of a warmish Upper Peninsula night in late June or Early August; the wind having run its course over the surface of Lake Superior.
I walked out of the store in a daze, suddenly having the uncomfortable feeling that I was in two places, two times, at once. As I neared my car, I looked over, and was somewhat suprised to not see the wodded embankment which had been the boundry of the Marquette WalMart's parking lot. I casually wondered what Danyal was up to, and whether I should give her a call or not to see if she wanted to get together sometime (in my mind's eye, Danyal and I had just started dating; me having stolen my first kiss from her just a few weeks earlier. An event which, I'm not ashamed to say, also happened in the parkling lot of the same WalMart where we both worked; I as a cashier, and she in the Tire and Lube Express)
It took me a few seconds, sitting in my car, with Wanda Jackson growling about "Long Tall Sally" to remember where and when I was; although, as I pulled down the street, I momentarily wondered just which apartment I was driving to; the one on Roberts Street in downtown Fargo, or another on on the edge of Northern Michigan University's campus.
It was all together haunting; although not entirely unpleasent either (the memory of Danyal, especially, brought a smile to my face; I really wish things had turned out between the two of us. We parted on good terms and I still chat with her on-line; but, god help me, I really think I could have married that girl. But, such is life; she's getting married in a few months herself, and I genuinely happy for her. She's a good gal and deserves a happy life).
It makes me realize though, that Marquette took a little part of my soul when I left. Any good place in the world does, really; Ireland had a good portion of mine before I ever lived there, and it took even more after I did. I really do believe that now, even as I type these words, there is a peice of me residing in that town; perpetually 22, confident and cocky, at peace with the world, assured that life only gets better as you grow older and positive that the keys to the kingdom of heaven are just within his grasp, ready to be snatched by one brazen enough to do so. A young man who's only real concerns are getting home from work in time to see the Daily Show, having enough money to buy beer for himself and his friends, and certain that he'd met the love of his life.
A truly blessed and sacred being in his own absurd way.
I miss him sometimes.
Today was the first day of classes; I am now, officially, a graduate student with an entire day of class under my belt. It was such a rush to walk onto campus today and see the new Freshman, the cocky sophmores, the masterful Juniors and weary Seniors walking about. There are few places, I think, as invigorating in the whole world as a college campus filled to the breaking point with students.
And the women! My god, I thought my eyes were going to fall from their gapping sockets and roll down the sidewalks! In the few years since I'd left Marquette; a time which was filled working my fingers to the bone at student teaching, living dirt poor and unemployed in Madison, or huddled in my Alaskan shack, I'd forgotten just how beautiful college girls can be. The energy which surges through them as they walk, laughing and walking to friends is one of the great pleasures of life to behold.
Some of them were checking me out. At least, I'm fairly certain they were; although perhaps that was just my sex starved brain grasping at straws. I certainly hope they were at least; I've been feeling damn good about myself lately, especially my appearahce since I adopted my new look, and I'd like to think that as much has been noticed and appreciated by those massed Aphrodites-in-the-flesh who were striding past me without a care in the world today.
Speaking of my new look; I have to say that its a winner, at least in my book. Although I'll never be a pretty boy, nor do I want to be, I've been taking a great deal of pride in my apperance lately. My hair was been chopped off, as most of you are aware, and those long gangly locks have been replaced with a pomade-induced pompadour which is my pride and joy. My usual flannle shirts have found themselves cast aside in favor of simple white T-Shirts and my denim jacket (hopefully to soon be replaced with a styling leather one). My nails, both toe and finger, are cut down to an appropriate length, my face is cleanly shaven every morning and my skin now carries with whiff of cologne.
I am, in my own mind at least, a Rock'n'Roll god in the flesh (without a band, currently; but I've several leads and expect my musically-related orphanism to be rectified shortly).
All of this was noticed and appreciated by my family when I went home this past weekend for a family reunion. My Mother claims that, after I left, I was the talk of the gathering, with everyone comment positively on the new me which strode through their midsts.
Even more dramatic was my friend Shannon whom I've known since Middle School. "You're so handsom", she squeeled upon seeing me, and then jumped me. She spent the rest of the night commenting on how much improved I looked ("You have cheek bones! I never noticed them before" "Oh god, you smell so nice!" "You must be beating the women off with a stick!" and, "You're toe-nails don't scare me anymore!") When it come time for me to go, she jumped me again and planted a kiss directly on my lips.
I don't think I'll forget that taste anytime soon.
It all left me more than a little shaken, and cursing the fact that she currently has a boyfriend in Germany (I'll be honest; neither Shannon or I have much desire to date one another; we've discussed it in the past and agreed we'd drive one another crazy. That doesn't, of course, mean that I haven't suggested any alternative activities over the years; only partially tongue-in-cheek.)
So, I suppose, you could say that I'm feeling just grand. Despite my current bount of unemployment, I still have some money, classes are starting, I look and feel good, and am rearing at the bitt to master Grad School. For the first time in longer than I care to imagine, I really feel like I've got a grasp on this bucking bronco called life; I may get thrown off again soon, but I'm holding on for the time being and enjoying the ride.
I've been wanting to go to Ireland for quite some time now. I feel there's just something drawing me there, quite strongly recently. How was it that you ended up there?
....If you don't mind me asking.