All right, for my screaming fans who have been asking; here are two pics of my new haircut. Enjoy:


You can oow and ahhh as much as you'd like. I know I make yer dreams come true

So, the other day I decide to head down to the coffeeshop downstairs to see if there was anything going on, and I ran into this one girl I'd met about a week ago. She sees me and, after her and her friends complimented my hair (ok, I'm getting vain about my hair, but I don't care!) she more or less demands that I stop and talk to her and her friends "where else are you going to find such fine biatches" she says

I'd say I agreed, but she really didn't leave it up to me; I got the full opinion she'd deck me if I said no

So, after hours of conversation and an accidental groping later (just because a girl says you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD! She might have been joking! Although, luckily, that all turned out all right as she took one look at my horrified face and burst out laughing, and told me not to worry about it) They once again told me that I was coming to dinner with them.
I, naturally, put on a bit of a show of refusing; "Oh, I have to write tonight", I kept saying. But eventually I relented and agreed to go with them. I'm glad I did, because ,first of all, I was so hungry by that point I thought I was going to pass out, and also because I got to get to know everyone there much better. We also ended up running into this guy who looked exactly like, but wasn't, Willy Nelson (much to all of our dissapointment; Willy Nelson rocks!)
It was a great time; got to flirt with some really cute girls, got to brush up on my social skills (which weren't nearly as rusty after Alaska as I'd been afraid they were) and just was able to relax in a group for the first time in what seems like forever. Depending on how things go, I'm giving some real thought to asking one of those girls out (although I want to play it a bit carefully. The leader of the group, I think, had eyes for me, and I don't want to end up offending her or anyone else).
In other news, I had a second date with that girl that I saw last week. We ended up going down to a local bar for Karaokee which was all well and good until I opened my mouth to sing. Usually I'm pretty good, in my opinion at least, but for some reason I was off key the whole night and couldn't hold a tune in a bucket. I'm blaming it on the lack of my lucky Bluejean Jacket (it was to hot to wear) and the fact that I was trying to impress said young woman.
I have to say that she's confusing me a bit, though. She seems to enjoys my company, running out of a play she was attending early so she could meet me on time, and we had a great time while we were at the bar; singing the Weird Al version of songs everytime someone did the 'regular' ones, sining on stage (she's got a great voice), joking around quiet a bit.
And yet, at the end of the night when I dropped her off at her bike, she pretty much hurries by me; I once again didn't even get the chance to hug her, let alone get a kiss out of it all. I'd think that she just didn't like me, except, she agreed to go out again and gives off every other sign of, at least, not minding being seen in public with me

So, as I said, its left me all a bit confused. Is it that she just doesn't find me attractive or is she just a bit on a shier side and likes move slower? I do know that she's a bit more conservative that I am, or atleast have gotten that impression. Its all a bit of an enigma.
Damn movies; I'm starting to think they aren't an accurate depiction of real life! NOOOOOO!

*Swoons* With sideburns too. HOt.
Dude you are totally Emo In A Good Way