Well, I took the plunge the other day and got my hair cut after all! The hair dresser didn't get it exactly right, but I'm still happy with the results. Quite by accident, I ended up with a rockin Pompador; its actually not too garish and, in fact, is pretty classy in my opinion. The last few days I've gotten several compliments about it; including one from a friend who shocked me by even saying it was 'cool'. Never slow on the rebound, I told him I'd have to mark it on my calander, because I didn't think he'd ever given me a genuine compliment before! His response: "Well, you've finally done something worthy of a compliment. Ass"

I've got a few leads on some good jobs as well; there is a graduate assistantship that I'm going to persue working in the international office on campus. They're looking for someone who actually has experience with working with people of other cultures and who've lived abroad; after two years in Alaska and spending half a year in Ireland, I think I've got both of those bases covered. If I were to get the job, and I'm going to guess there will be many applicants, I'd get a 10,000 dollar stipend for 9 months work, as well as full tuition reimburcement. In other words, I'd be finacially set for the entire year.
Another job I'm looking at is a part time teaching position at a local Christian School (Are there many Protestant private schools? I got the impression when I called that it wasn't Catholic; more's the shame). I'm not exactly sure what it entails, I'm trying to get a hold of the Principle there, but if its only teaching 2 or 3 classes a day and if they can work around my school schedule, it would be perfect for me. (Yes, I know, I said that after Alaska I'd never teach High School again; but, come on, part time I could handle. Hell, being in my own culture in a more traditional school setting, I might even enjoy it!)
My chipped molar is causing me some pain (at least I assume its the root of the headaches I've been getting lately; although they may be the heat as well) and I really need to go and get it looked at, but I don't think I'm going to have the money until I get my final pay check in August. I'm really worried about it getting infected now, though, because there is no way in hell that I can afford to get a root canal or a tooth pulled at this point; I'd be paying for it for the next 5 years!
You know, there is just something truly fucked up about having to put off a required peice of medical work, because you simply don't have the money for it!
Oh! Me and that girl I saw last Thursday are going to get together again for Karaokee this Thursday. I'm still not really sure where its going with her, truth be told. Its funny, and it just shows how spotty my knowlege of dating really here; I get turned down for a good-night kiss and I get all confused. But, rather than worry and obsess over it like I would have done, once upon a time, I'm just going to relax and enjoy the night out. If something happens, it does, and if not...oh well; there are many more fish in the sea as they say. I just wish I had a more realistic set of expectations in these matters.
One final note; I haven't found my digital camera yet but, as soon as I do, you can expect some pics of the new 'doo up here

Can't wait for pics of the doo, I'm very opinionated about haircuts
I cant wait to see your new hair!