I just ran my tongue over my upper right molar and let out a screaming of "Oh fucking SHIT!" You see, its been chipped for some time now; it rather fell behind with the massive amount of Dental work I had done this summer before my insurance ran out (11 fuckin cavities! I hate my feeth). Anyway I am now shocked and distressed to find that the took chipped again and there is, roughly, a quarter of it missing.
Seeing as how I no longer have dental insurance and, I'm pretty sure, the university insurance I'll be getting in August doesn't cover this sort of thing, I really don't know what I'm going to do right now. I can't leave it as it is, thats just asking for major decay or infection, but I can't afford to get any dental work done right now either; I'm still paying off the part of the last bill insurance didn't take care of *sighs* We need universal healthcare in this country so bad, it isn't even funny.
In other news, I have a date on Thursday! Wooooooooohooooooo
My first since leaving college actually! I'm not sure how well its going to go, me being new to town and all, but we'll see. Its funny, as of right now, I'm not even that terribly nervous, which I figured that I would be. I wonder if this is a good sign or a bad one?
The other night I had a rather strange dream, I think it must have been on Saturday (which, oddly enough, was the day before I called up the girl I met and made plans for a date.) I haven't had much luck on getting my dreams interpeted on-line and so I should say I don't really expect anyone to have much to say on this one. But I sometimes feel that writing the dreams down helps me figure them out:
The dreamed opened at my house in Wisconsin, the one I grew up in. The house was very light but, if you looked out the windows, I seem to recall being able to see storm clouds.
I walk out of my bedroom and see my 'sister' (who looks nothing like my real sister mind you; this young gal was blonde) staring out the patio window with her arms crossed behind her back.
We have a problem, my sister and I, and that is that we are being haunted by a witch. This witch, I seem to know, goes after all of the young people who live in the area, and kills them; especially the young men. I know that she plans on coming for me next.
Its at this point that I trip and look down and see that my food has been wounded. There is a large gaping hole in my heel (right on the Achilles Tendon actually) that passes all the way through; I can see the musle, bones and everything else inside. Despite this, I feel no pain and there is no blood either.
I call to my sister for help, because I know that the Witch has somehow done this to me. She plans on using it to trap us somehow; maybe by making us flee someplace where we will be wide open to her attack.
My sister helps me up and we go to her car which is outside. She says that she's going to get me to safety; I sit in the back seat and she grabs the wheel and we take off. Literally; this car, apparently, can fly! We fly all the way to the West Coast where we get a doctor to look at my foot.
I woke up, unsure if we'd really escaped or not, and somehow concerned that the doctor might need to amputate the foot.
Oddly enough, earlier in the same night, I'd had another dream where terrorists attack a Mall and I manage to grab the telephone and coordinate the counter attack and save the day.
I like that dream MUCH better
Seeing as how I no longer have dental insurance and, I'm pretty sure, the university insurance I'll be getting in August doesn't cover this sort of thing, I really don't know what I'm going to do right now. I can't leave it as it is, thats just asking for major decay or infection, but I can't afford to get any dental work done right now either; I'm still paying off the part of the last bill insurance didn't take care of *sighs* We need universal healthcare in this country so bad, it isn't even funny.
In other news, I have a date on Thursday! Wooooooooohooooooo

The other night I had a rather strange dream, I think it must have been on Saturday (which, oddly enough, was the day before I called up the girl I met and made plans for a date.) I haven't had much luck on getting my dreams interpeted on-line and so I should say I don't really expect anyone to have much to say on this one. But I sometimes feel that writing the dreams down helps me figure them out:
The dreamed opened at my house in Wisconsin, the one I grew up in. The house was very light but, if you looked out the windows, I seem to recall being able to see storm clouds.
I walk out of my bedroom and see my 'sister' (who looks nothing like my real sister mind you; this young gal was blonde) staring out the patio window with her arms crossed behind her back.
We have a problem, my sister and I, and that is that we are being haunted by a witch. This witch, I seem to know, goes after all of the young people who live in the area, and kills them; especially the young men. I know that she plans on coming for me next.
Its at this point that I trip and look down and see that my food has been wounded. There is a large gaping hole in my heel (right on the Achilles Tendon actually) that passes all the way through; I can see the musle, bones and everything else inside. Despite this, I feel no pain and there is no blood either.
I call to my sister for help, because I know that the Witch has somehow done this to me. She plans on using it to trap us somehow; maybe by making us flee someplace where we will be wide open to her attack.
My sister helps me up and we go to her car which is outside. She says that she's going to get me to safety; I sit in the back seat and she grabs the wheel and we take off. Literally; this car, apparently, can fly! We fly all the way to the West Coast where we get a doctor to look at my foot.
I woke up, unsure if we'd really escaped or not, and somehow concerned that the doctor might need to amputate the foot.
Oddly enough, earlier in the same night, I'd had another dream where terrorists attack a Mall and I manage to grab the telephone and coordinate the counter attack and save the day.
I like that dream MUCH better

She seemed to melt.
And no, I hadn't eaten any weird roadside mushrooms, either.
If you're half as much fun in real life as you are here, you'll show her a great time.
Good luck on the date, hope all goes well.