"I'm drunk again
I'm drunk once again"
- Hank IIII
Well, as I'm sure everyone's figured out, I'm a little enebriated as I write this post. Please excuse any spelling errors that might be traced back to this issue (I need to drink more, and then I could blame all of my spelling errors on beer!)
So, I was sitting in the coffeeshop below my apartment tonight, looking through the local city paper when I saw that the band Corpse Show Creeps were playing at a bar just about three blocks down from my place. Now, this might not mean much to most; but if you check back in my blog about two posts or so you'll hear me recount a story of being hung over after seeing a band....the Corpse Show Creeps.
Well after the epic adventure that was the last time I saw them, I figured I should go down and show my support. Hell, it just struck me as funny that they were playing in the town I'd just moved to, after having seen them a week before moving away from home.
So I showed up and, at first, I wasn't impressed. There was an odd atmosphere to the bar they were playing in; I've frequented redneck and biker bars for years, I actually feel mroe at home in them than most other places (upper scale, posh bars drive me crazy). This one, however, was giving me a bad vibe and I wans't sure if it was just my own mindset or the place itself. I was half tempted to leave but, I figured, I'd paid my cover charge and might as well stick around.
I'm glad I did! The show was great and the band was increadibly friendly. I had the chance to chat with them before they played and they all remembered the Wausau show; their bass player pointing out that that had been the wildest show they'd played and had loved it.
So, the show went on, I met some cool cats, and actually ended up having a blast. A good time was had by all.
Now, I've noticed something. I quit smoking a few months ago (although I still use tobaccoo sadly). Usually the urge to smoke doesn't strike me but, when I drink, it hits me and hits me hard. I may not smoke usually but, with a beer in my hand, I smoke constantly. I really don't know where this self destructive urge comes from exactly, but I do wish I could weed it out (part of me suspects its becuse it becomes a social thing at that point, and helps me meet new people...even if its just me being a shmuck and bumming cigs off everyone in eye sight)
Oh, yes! This morning, well afternoon actually, I was walking around looking for a place to eat breakfast. Completely on whim, I ended up going to a coffeeshop I'd passed in my walking. there was this super-cute girl at the counter who noticed i was wearing a Flogging Molly shirt, which she commented on. We started talking and, to make a long story short, I ended up askign for her phone number; and got it! I think I'll give her a call tomorrow or Sunday and see if she wants to get together next week.
I'll be honest with you, I've rarely ever asked for a girl's number before; largely because I was terrified of being shot down. This time I figured "Hell, might as well give it a try". You know, after two years in Alaska and not having the oppertunity to date at all, something must have changed in me.
Against all odds, it looks like I finally grew a set of balls! Woooooooo

In other news, I _REALLY_ want to sing in a bad.
So how are you adjusting in your new place?
I am so glad things are going so well for you, and you have to tell me how the date goes!!