I'm in Fargo! YAY!!!!!!!! The first step in my return to abject poverty and education is here

In all seriousness I don't think I realized just how used to having a lot of money I'd become. I'm finding that I need to learn some badly needed restraint once again, or i'm going to flounder very quickly. Damn this world and its inability to allow me to explore my every intellectual whim without cold hard cash!
Now, since I just moved to town, I know no one at all; taking a cue from my college-going and tech-savy cousin, I updated my mySpace account and have been trying to message people who sound interesting. With any luck, I may be able to meet a few people that way.
So, last night I had a very strange dream brought on by a little psychological experiment that I tried before going to bed. I've been mulling over it all day and have been able to desipher some of it, but its still generally a mystery. Maybe someone out there will be able to give me a bit of a hint.
The Experiment: The Jungian school of psychology claims that nearly all of the old gods and goddess are archetypes which exist within our own unconcious. Since I have not had a date in several years I decided to see if I could call on one of two of these archetypes to give me a hand. Before going to bed I focused on the image of Venus (perhaps I should have tried the old Gaelic Angus, but oh well) and tried basicly sent a message to myself for help.
The Dream:
I'm in my car with my Mother and its dark outside, we've just returned home. She tells me to park the car, but I'm having some trouble because I'm trying to get into the driveway by dirving out the hill near our Creek; on top of the hill is soft gravel. It takes me a few times, but I eventually get the car all the way up and park it, much to the irritation of my 'mother' who thinks I should have been able to do it quicker.
We go to the house where a problem becomes clear. My Mother tells me that there are several dangerous spirits over by her car and I have to get rid of them. They are definately female and are in the form of spiders; they are hanging out over by her car (although they have a presense in the house as well).
I go and grab a paper towel and then head out to the car. The 'spiders' are invisible, but I know where they are. Oddly enough, even though I can sense their power and know they could be dangerous, I don't think they are hostile. Rather than kill them, I sweep them into the paper towel and them shake them loose and let them free.
I return to the house so find my Mother in a panic. I assure her that the spirits are gone, but when she asks if I've killed them, I tell her I didn't; because killing them would be unfair. She becomes more agitated and unhappy.
At this point I realize that its storming outside. Also, my cousins Matt and Tom have arrived at the house. We chat and Tom tells me with glee that a basketball player on a team he hates has hung himself. Tom is overjoyed by this fact for some reason and starts laughing while telling the story.
The storm gets worse and I tell Matt and Tom that they should sleep over at our house rather than go back to their parents' trailer. They agree and tell me that its been years since they spent the night at my place. I agree and am actually happy to have them there because I can feel that its going to be a strange night.
At this point the wind of the storm becomes horrid and sounds like a banshee, I become concerned that some divine power is sending the storm to punish me because I brought its attention to myself. I laugh and joke that it figures that asking for help would do this. Despite this, I still believe that the storm and the spirits are generally benevolent, but that this storm is something that NEEDS to happen.
Then I wake up.
After I woke up it turns out that it really is storming outside and the wind is shreiking through my window (since this was happening in my dream, I was understandable worried for a few seconds until I woke up)
The entire dream bears more than a passing resemblence to a situation that has happenened numerous times in my life; namely my Mother asking me to kill a spider, moth or other insect and me catching it and letting it loose outside the house.
As for my Cousins, I'm not quiet sure exactly WHAT they represent. Tom factors into the dream a bit more heavily. He's the closest thing to a little brother I'd ever had, we're very close, and I often joke that he's a younger clone of my Mother (they have very similiar personalities). Him taking pleasure in the death of a rival basket ball player is a bit extrme (he's a HUGE sports fan), but not completely out of character either. He's the same guy who repeatedly watched a clip of a rival football player being injured, over and over again.
Matt, Tom's older brother, is also very close to me. He's recently decided to move away from home and go to college (much to my shock and joy. I'm very proud of him for it). I used to say that Matt was a bit of a shadow of myself; he's shy, introverted, stubborn and so forth; all qualities that I have myself, but which I try not to let out. He's also very very intelligent (as is Tom for that matter), although is better in the sciences and Math than I am.
So, any ideas?
You don't have to sing well. Or play well. I suck and people give me money to play and sing.
This free community is a wonderful resource for 'young' guitarists. And I still learn from it. Great people, too. They're not really so much "fringe" people, though - it's a laidback yet somewhat structured place - you don't curse or tlak about sex, basically. It's all about the music.
I probably talked to you about the Meat Puppets before, but you need to listen to them if you haven't.