I'm hungover - for the first time in months. Its not a major one, as far as these things go, but it does happen to be one of those mild-yet persistent varieties which hang on for the entire day. It feels like my head has been wrapped in cotten and there is a slight time-lag between the instant that something occures and when my senses register it. Also, I'm terribly thirsty.
Making matters worse, I'd spent yesterday morning shoveling gravel for our driveway (this lead to an argument with my Mother, for which I felt rather bad at at the time - not that I'd take back anything I said, either). The result is that, on top of the hang over, my entire body is aching. Sitting down has become an adventure of sorts. I pain.
Of course, the reason I am _IN_ this pain is because I had a damn good night, last night! I was scanning through the local newspaper when I saw an advertisement for the Scott Street Steak and Pub, which was going out of business. Now I had used to hang out at the Scott Street during that peculiar summer after I returned home from Wausau; it had not been a great season as I was beset by wanderlust and boredome. One of the few bright points was the Steak and Pub which routinely had interesting bands of many different genres; be they Rockabilly, Blues, Heavy Metal, Folk or Country, all were welcome to play.
Unfortunately the palce has been having money troubles for quiet some time and, so, last night was their final night of opperation. They decided to go out with a bang; free cover, a free beer for everyone, and the Psychobilly band "Corpse Creep Show". Since I have become a fan of Rockabilly lately, I jumped right at this one!
To make a very long story short; I got to the bar at 10. By that time a Punk band had just begun playing as one of the opening acts. Different acts played for the next two hours; there was the Punk band, a folk musician and a rock band, interspliced with random people from the crowd. Between beers, I made my way towards the stage and danced with the 5 or so Moshers who were enjoying themselves, no matter the type of music.
Disaster struck at midnight, however, before the Corpse Creep Show even had a chance to play, there was a sudden influx of cops into the bar! Apparently the pub's liqour license had run out at Midnight and they were there to shut the place down. Immediately the entire bar was became an ampitheater full of drunken, angry, booing Wisconsinite music fans. The cops were suddenly put on the defensive as the crowd began to mock them, and some threats of violence were heard (I, of course, had NO part if any of this; and kept my mouth shut like a good little citizen

At that point the Bar's manager appeared to sooth the seething masses. He had called down to another local bar, the Pollack Inn, and they had agreed to let take us all in and let the band play there. A short standing ovation occured and no other clashes with the police occured, as we all fled from the building and headed the 5 or 6 blocks down the road to the Pollack Inn.
So, I arrived at the new bar a short bit later and the band was already setting up. The show ended up being great; I had a wonderful time dancing and bullshitting with other people in the crowd. One girl, who I found out was married, wouldn't stop playing with my hair; she kept pulling at it, watch it spring back into its lochy curl, and then laugh and say "You're hair is CUTE!"
I ended up staying for the entire show, bought a shirt and CD, and then got home at about 3 in the morning where I quickly collapsed into bed and slept until 11 this morning; the first good 8-hour night of sleep I've had in weeks.
The hang over, I believe, was well worth it

Glad you're here.
Anyway, I need help! Fast! And this nextpart is shameless copied and pasted from another journal for lack of time:I need your help! Since people rarely read (or at least comment in) my journal anymore, I have to slut around other people's journals for help. Of course, since he My SG page format change, I read my friends' journals less than I used to, but i see everyone else gets comments.
*stops to crawl under rock and eat worms*
Any way, I'm going to (well, I'm probably going to - they said I can and they'll pay me 100 buck to open for their headliner they won't name, 'cause apparently they're better-known than me - which is pretty easy to be, but I think it's probably someone along the lines of the surving members of Molly Hatchet or something like that) play a Theme Time Music Show tomorrow night with the obvous 4th of July Theme.
Anyway, I need ideas for a set of US or Freedom-type songs. check my journal for what I already am planning to do. I generallly play anything from the Baroque period up to the present, from any genre. A slogan I used to toss out at an old band's shows upon rceiving requests or being asked what kinds of songs we did was: "We Suck Equally At All Kinds Of Music." We even printed shirts. Sold two. Gave away about 30.
Thanks in advance!!
Yeah, the Battle of New Orleans I'm doing - actually your whole list looks good. There's so much out there that fits.
I'd better go to sleep now. I have to be at work by 730 and it's 119 now. And after I get out of work around 530 I have to shower, rehearse, and be ready to play by 7:30. It''' probably be just acoustic, for time reasons, unless I can use the headliners' equipment, but not knowing who they are, I have doubts.