Please excuse the last journal; I apparently fell into a period of mopiness and whining for about 12 hours, and I'd like very much to forget it. I don't get into those moods often, but I am always left with a feeling of loathing towards them when they do come. Damn Irish disposition.
Anyway, I just got back from having lunch with my Dad and his Boss/Friend in Marshfiekl. As most people who've been reading this journal know, I'll be attending North Dakota State University beginning in August and will be moving there in just about a week and a half.
My Dad's boss had previously worked at those school for nearly 20 years (I also suspect he's one of the reasons that I got accepted myself; he put a good word in for me when I applied), and he wanted to discuss the town and the school with me. It was a nice lunch, a good conversation, and left me feeling that I was going to enjoy Grad School a good deal; although I suspect it will be more work than I had previously thought.
I seriously can't wait to move; I love being in Wisconsin, but so few of my friends are left here, and its a half hour drive in order to do something as simple as bumming around at the local book stores. Fargo promises to be much more active and, if I can balance work and the demands of school well, I should be able to have quiet a nice social life as well (I hope so at least; my two years in Alaska were largely social-life free and I'mbadly hurting for one now).
I seriously feel like, for the first time in about three years, I'm moving forward and towards something; rather then running away, or simply spinning my tires.
...I feel really bad that I wasnt there in the end for my cat.