I have returned!!!!
And I'm doin.......all right.
I waited to write this journal because, up until today, I was only in a ho-hum mood. You see, I'd built up the excitement of being back home to such an extent that reality could only pale in comparison to the dream I'd set up. In other words, I'd set my expectations a bit to high and was naturally a bit dissapointed when I woke up on my second day home and realized, to my horror, that....I had nothing to do!
You see, its one of the problems of having grown up in a small house, in the middle of the country. Although its great to be back and recharge the old batteries, there has never been a whole lot to do around here. Oh, sure, in the past this wasn't always true, but most of my friends have long since moved away, I had no car up until this morning, and I've been trapped in the house with my family.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love my folks; my family has always been very close knit and we enjoy one another's company. The problem, however, is that we're four very individualistic people who enjoy their own space; to make matters worse, our house is very small. As I'd just returned form living by myself for the past year, I'd gotten even more used to having a house to myself. This has caused some difficulties, as I pace around the house like a caged lion, trying to get out.
Things got a bit easier today; I went to the DMV to transfer the title to my new car, meaning that I finally have some wheels of my own. Secondly, I used those new wheels to drive my cousin Matt to Green Bay for the first of five colleges we're looking at for him. It was great to take a road trip, no matter how short, with some friends and just hang out with people my own age. Tomorrow we're heading to UW-Stout and, after that, Whitewater and then Stevens Point. I've even convinced him to take a trip up to visit my old Alma Matar of Northern Michigan University. Should be a lot of fun.
In other news, I'm giving some thought to doing a SB set; but I've put on a good deal of weight during my captivity in Alaska and so am not sure if I should or not.
And I'm doin.......all right.
I waited to write this journal because, up until today, I was only in a ho-hum mood. You see, I'd built up the excitement of being back home to such an extent that reality could only pale in comparison to the dream I'd set up. In other words, I'd set my expectations a bit to high and was naturally a bit dissapointed when I woke up on my second day home and realized, to my horror, that....I had nothing to do!
You see, its one of the problems of having grown up in a small house, in the middle of the country. Although its great to be back and recharge the old batteries, there has never been a whole lot to do around here. Oh, sure, in the past this wasn't always true, but most of my friends have long since moved away, I had no car up until this morning, and I've been trapped in the house with my family.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love my folks; my family has always been very close knit and we enjoy one another's company. The problem, however, is that we're four very individualistic people who enjoy their own space; to make matters worse, our house is very small. As I'd just returned form living by myself for the past year, I'd gotten even more used to having a house to myself. This has caused some difficulties, as I pace around the house like a caged lion, trying to get out.
Things got a bit easier today; I went to the DMV to transfer the title to my new car, meaning that I finally have some wheels of my own. Secondly, I used those new wheels to drive my cousin Matt to Green Bay for the first of five colleges we're looking at for him. It was great to take a road trip, no matter how short, with some friends and just hang out with people my own age. Tomorrow we're heading to UW-Stout and, after that, Whitewater and then Stevens Point. I've even convinced him to take a trip up to visit my old Alma Matar of Northern Michigan University. Should be a lot of fun.
In other news, I'm giving some thought to doing a SB set; but I've put on a good deal of weight during my captivity in Alaska and so am not sure if I should or not.
Here's STI doing The Time Warp.
Enjoy. Maybe comparing and contrasting 4 takes of the same Rocky Horror song by the Dresden Dolls and hearing a possibly new-to-you band doing another one can helpyou pass the time.
I expect a well-crafted essay on the different Dolls' versions on my desk in a tmely manner, Young Man!
And I love the way your EP turned out! I was messing with a hammered dulcimer as I read it and it actually sounded pretty good, considering I'm not a dulcimer-hammerer by any stretch. but I considered recording myself reading it while playing.