Alright, here is my SECOND journal entry as a member of Suicide GIrls*oooooh, ahhhhhh*
I'm not quiet sure how much has changed in the past few weeks, to tell you the truth. The starting date of school moves closer every day and, as it does so, I'm becoming more and more excited. I don't want to get myself to excited though, those let downs can be a real bitch!
In other news, I now have to get a temp job for my last two weeks in the area; the factory where I'm employed as run out of work for the next few weeks and, as such, I've been layed off. I was really angery about this but, in the end, what can I really do about it? its much better to cope and move on than to obsess about it(besides, this week was really relaxing and, as much as I hate to say it, I've been enjoying it)
So, here I am, counting down the days until I leave for school and, hopefully, start my life back up in full gear. Hope I haven't put you all to sleep
Packers suck dick for coke...
Thank you for the compliment on my set. I'm from South East WI.