I love having my own place again! Its hard to believe that its been two years or more since I truly lived by myself, and only then for a couple of months. I helped move my roomate out yesterday and then busied myself rearranging the house to suite me; I even went on to the internet and ordered several posters and wall hangings to help decorate my dwelling. My roomate's old room has been converted into a reading room/den for myself and I think most of the posters will do in there; the livingroom is going to turn into a vertiable shrine to Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula in order to quell any homesickness which is going to develope during the course of the year.
For the first time in memory it doesn't feel like I have to restrain myself within my own home. If I want to stumble, naked, into the living room early in the morning, I can! If I want to play loud music until all hours of the night, now I have the ability to do that to. No more needing to watch what I say, to feel embarrassed for my own personal habits. Its all mine; MINE!
Today I also finished the last of my work on the essay which will hopefully get me into grad school; I've also secured my final letter of reconmendation. The paper in question I first wrote during my Junior year of college (4 years ago, almost to the day, actually. I remember writing it while watching election returns for the 2002 election come in), and I've been busy going over it and fixing its problems as well as retyping the bloody thing the past few weeks. The funny thing is that working on it has actually made me happy; I finished it with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy writing. Also, this paper could well be the one which gets me back into school; if I had a bad lesson tomorrow it will suck, but there will be no noticable impact on my future (I hope!), but this paper could well help get me past the gate keeper into the rest of my future. There is something nice about that.
God I need to get out of the village and back to the Midwest and Grad School. I've been buying tons of music to remind me of home; CDs full of the olf hunting songs which they used to play on the radio this time of year (Second Year of Deer Camp, Da Turdy Point Buck, etc). I just want to get back to my own people; I've learnt so much about myself up here that I am relishing the chance to reenter into society as the new improved me (Dan Ver 2.3
In other news I bought the Weird Al CD the other day. I haven't bought one of his CDs in years; but I LOVE it! Its so funny. I even played it for my students and now I've got a bunch of kids who want to borror it to burn it (I'll let them, of course; no matter how much they annoy me sometimes, I really do like most of them)
Oh well, its past midnight and I need to be up at 7 tomorrow morning; fun, fun fun. Take care!
For the first time in memory it doesn't feel like I have to restrain myself within my own home. If I want to stumble, naked, into the living room early in the morning, I can! If I want to play loud music until all hours of the night, now I have the ability to do that to. No more needing to watch what I say, to feel embarrassed for my own personal habits. Its all mine; MINE!
Today I also finished the last of my work on the essay which will hopefully get me into grad school; I've also secured my final letter of reconmendation. The paper in question I first wrote during my Junior year of college (4 years ago, almost to the day, actually. I remember writing it while watching election returns for the 2002 election come in), and I've been busy going over it and fixing its problems as well as retyping the bloody thing the past few weeks. The funny thing is that working on it has actually made me happy; I finished it with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy writing. Also, this paper could well be the one which gets me back into school; if I had a bad lesson tomorrow it will suck, but there will be no noticable impact on my future (I hope!), but this paper could well help get me past the gate keeper into the rest of my future. There is something nice about that.
God I need to get out of the village and back to the Midwest and Grad School. I've been buying tons of music to remind me of home; CDs full of the olf hunting songs which they used to play on the radio this time of year (Second Year of Deer Camp, Da Turdy Point Buck, etc). I just want to get back to my own people; I've learnt so much about myself up here that I am relishing the chance to reenter into society as the new improved me (Dan Ver 2.3

In other news I bought the Weird Al CD the other day. I haven't bought one of his CDs in years; but I LOVE it! Its so funny. I even played it for my students and now I've got a bunch of kids who want to borror it to burn it (I'll let them, of course; no matter how much they annoy me sometimes, I really do like most of them)
Oh well, its past midnight and I need to be up at 7 tomorrow morning; fun, fun fun. Take care!
i'm a HUGE weird al fan.
coping is such a learned behavior, and if you learn it growing up(i certainly didn't), you have to learn it very quickly when you're in the real world.