Well, another short post; I read over the last one a few days ago and realized how dreadfully depressing it sounded. I'm really not sinking into a state of meloncholia, I swear (at least, I don't suspect that I am). A large part of it seems to have come from being sick, trying to quit smoking, and a few other things. By Saturday my mood had improved, in large part I think due to working on my grad school application. Oh lord; how I long to return to school, study history and begin my first tentative steps into the realm of politics! There is a light at the end of this tunnle, and I pray that it is not closed up on me, leaving me to an eternity in this hell of public education.
This week, so far, has actually been quiet good for me. I've been having some fun with my classes, and the students themselves have been laughing and having a decent enough time. To give you an idea of how much my mood's improved: last week there were few real disciplin problems, and yet I was a raging mad man. Yesterday I sent three kids our of my room within half an hour (I oddly enough don't respond well to being told to "fuck off" or being called "a fucking bitch" or being threatned with getting beat up well! Who'da thunk it!?) In fact, rather than getting angry about the entire situation, I was poking fun at it, and myself, all of yesterday and today. I was even pointing to the situation out to another teacher as the perfect example of how horrid our students are doing in this village; they can't even swear with any flair! God dammit, cursing is an art form; it should be done with some sense of style and artistic integrity. Why call a teacher a fucking bitch when you could, instead, call them the "bastard son of drooling whore" or, instead of saying 'Fuck off" you could say "Fuck off, you shit faced cock muncher!"
Finally, they should realize by now that flicking me off does nothing to hurt my feelings (despite the urdge to snap the offending finger off); please, my Mother first flipped me the bird when I was being a bastard in 5th grade. It's done nothing to be since. They they REALLY wanted to offend me, they should have tried to spit in my general direction. Of course, doing such a thing might well have shortened their life span by several years, but oh well!
Ok, it sounds once again like i'm a lot angier than I am! I seriously mentioned all of this in somewhat jest. Oh well, take it as you will; I'm signing off for the day

P.S. Take a look at my new family photo folder under pics. I've got some pics in their that go back to the 1880s! Also, I'm always won who finds it interesting if people find any simularity between me and my ancestors

got looks from the teachers, but at least i was being intelligent about it.
per what you said in my journal: if i could smother you with hugs and smooches, i would. you're a darling.
love the family pix, I definately see the resemblances!!