It just hit me how much music has influenced my relationships. When I think about it, the more I've been able to share music with a girl the more we've grown together. The opposite works as well.
It's not even about listening to the exact same songs, but somehow the songs that are special to someone can tell you more them than you can learn...
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It's not even about listening to the exact same songs, but somehow the songs that are special to someone can tell you more them than you can learn...
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Sometimes I feel like there's two opposite individuals living inside me. They live together in harmony most of the time, like a marriage of personalities that vowed to coexist. Other times one of them just aches to get out.
They call it the dayside and the nightside personas.
I've never been able to stay in one place for more than a couple of years without...
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They call it the dayside and the nightside personas.
I've never been able to stay in one place for more than a couple of years without...
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Only 17 more days until Halloween, which means best parties of the year are coming up! I guess I should find a costume...
I found a mask on Etsy that looks incredible, however I'm having a bit of an ethical dilemma over it. It is made with salvadged fur, Does this mean that the maker used for lack of a better word "recycled" fur?
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I found a mask on Etsy that looks incredible, however I'm having a bit of an ethical dilemma over it. It is made with salvadged fur, Does this mean that the maker used for lack of a better word "recycled" fur?
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I am against fur objects completely, because if the animal is killed purely for their fur, it's wrong, no matter where the maker got the fur from. If it is "hide" where the animal is actually being eaten like here in South Africa hunting is big thing (I am also against that) but every part of the animal is being used, which kind off makes it that 10% more acceptable ... arg look at me carrying on. Sorry I don't think I have an answer. 

Don't worry, I think you gave a great answer. I agree with you, I don't feel comfortable with fur no matter where it came from. I'm not a vegetarian and don't disagree with the idea of wearing hide as clothing, but my biggest "beef" with the food and specially the fur industry is the way these animals are treated and killed. Death is a part of life, but the pointless exploitation and prolonged suffering of innocent animals disgusts me. I think we might be closer to coming to a conclusion than we think.
Also, great to meet you Skyla
There's no better way to meet someone than by having an intelligent conversation!
Also, great to meet you Skyla

The things I'll do to procrastinate,
12:13 am
She tells me that she loves me,
But I hardly think she does,
Shes a girl, barely a woman,
I dont think shes been in love.
Do I doubt her like myself, or should I benefit the doubt.
Either way Ill break her heart, I was born on my way out.
Never once did I think hell,...
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12:13 am
She tells me that she loves me,
But I hardly think she does,
Shes a girl, barely a woman,
I dont think shes been in love.
Do I doubt her like myself, or should I benefit the doubt.
Either way Ill break her heart, I was born on my way out.
Never once did I think hell,...
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Insomnia my most frequent uninvited guest!!!!!!!!!
Tonight it's you, me, and my dinky little flashlight that goes on and
T minus 4 hours until I have to be up again and all I can think of is how studying the human body is eating away the magic that it once posessed...I need to find a way to stop Science from murdering Fantasy.
On the...
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Tonight it's you, me, and my dinky little flashlight that goes on and
T minus 4 hours until I have to be up again and all I can think of is how studying the human body is eating away the magic that it once posessed...I need to find a way to stop Science from murdering Fantasy.
On the...
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your adorable!
Insomnia likes to be close with me at night too, then leaves me in the morning with out so much as freaking goodbye note on the pillow.
i feel used...

Insomnia likes to be close with me at night too, then leaves me in the morning with out so much as freaking goodbye note on the pillow.
i feel used...

Ugh i know, I keep telling myself I won't go back, but it always finds a way lol...I say next time insomnia shows up we stand up to it together
Thanks for the compliment
, so happy I have two friends now!
Vet Tech huh? Such an awesome job...I still can't decide if I like people or animals better lol, how about you?

Thanks for the compliment

Vet Tech huh? Such an awesome job...I still can't decide if I like people or animals better lol, how about you?
It's about time I started a blog, since I've been procrastinating about it for quite some time...Then again, this will be my first time writing any kind of diary or blog.
Today I'll just use this as a means to welcome everyone to my humble home here on SG.
Honestly I really do hope I get to meet a lot the great people of this...
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Today I'll just use this as a means to welcome everyone to my humble home here on SG.
Honestly I really do hope I get to meet a lot the great people of this...
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