28 Randoms
1. I think Opeth is possibly the greatest band on the planet. Swedish Melodic Folk Rock Death Metal FTW.
2. I have mild asthma and horrible allergies. I pretend neither exist and continue to chainsmoke while drinking. My lungs almost killed me several times when I was an infant, so I will continue to punish them for their transgressions.
3. I long for a time machine. I brood on the past a lot.
4. I have IBS and a small bladder. This made being a supervisor in my last job a fucking nightmare, as I am constantly heading off to the bathroom throughout the day.
5. I like rearranging furniture. Sometimes I'll get a wild hair and move EVERYTHING.
6. Up until 7 years ago, I was a secret fan of Pro Wrestling. I just kinda stopped watching.

7. I'm a quasi-computer geek. Not the guy with the quad-boot FreeBSD/Linux whatever box, but I can build computers and have geekgasms at badass hardware configurations.
8. My filter between brevity and too much information malfunctions regularly. I also segway into random things and have a hard time finishing a story without jumping the tracks.
9. I was held back in kindergarten after going for a few months. The reason? I was 5 days late on the age limit for the state of Kansas, and they didn't bother to tell my parents until I'd already made friends. I bawled my eyes out when I was told I couldn't go to school anymore.
10. The Dollar bills in my wallet are always in descending order, with ones at the front. I'll occasionally hold up traffic in the store to ensure this is being done. On the flipside, I RARELY have cash - I pay mostly with plastic.
11. I am selling my house I lived in for 4 years with my ex wife. The previous deal fell through a couple weeks ago and I spent a fortnight completely drunk and emotionally crushed. Things are looking up now but I still fucking hate this situation, want to bomb Bank of America's HQ, and punch the previous buyer in the fucking dick.

12. When I was very young, the kid next door to my grandparents had me and my siblings convinced that the Ninja Turtles lived in his basement.
13. I was also convinced the the kid 3 houses down owned a pet monkey. He always talked about it. He was a fucking LIAR.
14. I cannot be unhappy when the band 311 is playing. I will either turn it off, or immediately become cheerful. Same goes for Bob Marley and SOME Sublime. I guess you could say Reggae-esque music takes my blues away.
15. I lost my virginity at the age of 20. I mean, intercourse. I had SOME fun in high school. I do not see this as a bad thing. I just realize now that I either had some serious self-control, or I was fucking BLIND to the obvious attraction of some of my female counterparts. Mostly the latter.
16. In high school my buddy William and I spent all of PE up in the weight room bench-pressing instead of down playing dodge ball. I maxed out one day and benched 265 for 2 and half reps. This is why I have pecs. They aren't strong anymore, and have atrophied and fatted up a bit, but I still got bulky man-tits.
17. I dropped out of college twice so far. I plan to go back and pursue a Pre-Med once I mop shit up here in Muhzurrah.

18. Before my brother died of brain cancer, I was too pissed off at him for all the bullying and abuse from childhood to spend the last few months of his life cultivating our relationship. After he died, I hated myself. Still do to a certain extent.
19. A large portion of the people I meet assume that I am a hardcore drug addict. I've been told I look like a strung out heroin user, and strangers are always asking me if I can score them some weed. A couple of meth-heads I met outside a metal show were looking for track marks on my arms. I think this is hilarious. I've done cocaine ONCE, and can count on both hands the times I've smoked pot.
20. I fucking love tacos. I think I announce this enough, but I don't know if people understand this. I love tacos so much that I will go months without eating them just so it's that much more enjoyable when I do.

21. I went on a Caribbean cruise a couple years ago and it was one of the most awesome experiences of my life. I want to go back. I want to live in the Virgin Islands.
22. My grandparents were in the thick of the great depression, and I was raised to clean my plate. This, along with booze, has attributed to my current spare tire.
23. I am the last person on the planet to see the new/cool movie. This has led to my repeated disappointment because the ZOMG EPIC ACTOR everyone raves about is so over-hyped that they can't live up to the expectations everyone has planted in my head. Inception was cool people, but not THAT cool.
24. I'm a polar bear and I like to set my thermostat down at night. I sleep with many blankets.
25. I may be an avid seeker of trivial information, but I research everything I pursue.
26. I'm a voyeur. I love watching people fuck right in front of me, with me doing nothing but maybe lending a hand.

27. I'm a huge fucking cuddlefreak. Any woman I spoon with can expect many kisses on the neck and ear-nibbles because I practically do this shit in my sleep.
28. I don't pursue violence or fight, but because of my supposed demeanor or "look" drunk people often try to pick fights with me without provocation. I got jumped by 4 guys at a house party about a week and a half ago because they had a verbal disagreement with some guys I came with. Wrong place at the wrong time. I'm not too concerned about it anymore because frankly my martial arts training came in and I protected my core. My nose was slightly fractured, my lip is still fat, but other than muscle aches I'm okay. I can take a beating.
29. You're sexy.
1. I think Opeth is possibly the greatest band on the planet. Swedish Melodic Folk Rock Death Metal FTW.
2. I have mild asthma and horrible allergies. I pretend neither exist and continue to chainsmoke while drinking. My lungs almost killed me several times when I was an infant, so I will continue to punish them for their transgressions.
3. I long for a time machine. I brood on the past a lot.
4. I have IBS and a small bladder. This made being a supervisor in my last job a fucking nightmare, as I am constantly heading off to the bathroom throughout the day.
5. I like rearranging furniture. Sometimes I'll get a wild hair and move EVERYTHING.
6. Up until 7 years ago, I was a secret fan of Pro Wrestling. I just kinda stopped watching.

7. I'm a quasi-computer geek. Not the guy with the quad-boot FreeBSD/Linux whatever box, but I can build computers and have geekgasms at badass hardware configurations.
8. My filter between brevity and too much information malfunctions regularly. I also segway into random things and have a hard time finishing a story without jumping the tracks.
9. I was held back in kindergarten after going for a few months. The reason? I was 5 days late on the age limit for the state of Kansas, and they didn't bother to tell my parents until I'd already made friends. I bawled my eyes out when I was told I couldn't go to school anymore.
10. The Dollar bills in my wallet are always in descending order, with ones at the front. I'll occasionally hold up traffic in the store to ensure this is being done. On the flipside, I RARELY have cash - I pay mostly with plastic.
11. I am selling my house I lived in for 4 years with my ex wife. The previous deal fell through a couple weeks ago and I spent a fortnight completely drunk and emotionally crushed. Things are looking up now but I still fucking hate this situation, want to bomb Bank of America's HQ, and punch the previous buyer in the fucking dick.

12. When I was very young, the kid next door to my grandparents had me and my siblings convinced that the Ninja Turtles lived in his basement.
13. I was also convinced the the kid 3 houses down owned a pet monkey. He always talked about it. He was a fucking LIAR.
14. I cannot be unhappy when the band 311 is playing. I will either turn it off, or immediately become cheerful. Same goes for Bob Marley and SOME Sublime. I guess you could say Reggae-esque music takes my blues away.
15. I lost my virginity at the age of 20. I mean, intercourse. I had SOME fun in high school. I do not see this as a bad thing. I just realize now that I either had some serious self-control, or I was fucking BLIND to the obvious attraction of some of my female counterparts. Mostly the latter.
16. In high school my buddy William and I spent all of PE up in the weight room bench-pressing instead of down playing dodge ball. I maxed out one day and benched 265 for 2 and half reps. This is why I have pecs. They aren't strong anymore, and have atrophied and fatted up a bit, but I still got bulky man-tits.
17. I dropped out of college twice so far. I plan to go back and pursue a Pre-Med once I mop shit up here in Muhzurrah.

18. Before my brother died of brain cancer, I was too pissed off at him for all the bullying and abuse from childhood to spend the last few months of his life cultivating our relationship. After he died, I hated myself. Still do to a certain extent.
19. A large portion of the people I meet assume that I am a hardcore drug addict. I've been told I look like a strung out heroin user, and strangers are always asking me if I can score them some weed. A couple of meth-heads I met outside a metal show were looking for track marks on my arms. I think this is hilarious. I've done cocaine ONCE, and can count on both hands the times I've smoked pot.
20. I fucking love tacos. I think I announce this enough, but I don't know if people understand this. I love tacos so much that I will go months without eating them just so it's that much more enjoyable when I do.

21. I went on a Caribbean cruise a couple years ago and it was one of the most awesome experiences of my life. I want to go back. I want to live in the Virgin Islands.
22. My grandparents were in the thick of the great depression, and I was raised to clean my plate. This, along with booze, has attributed to my current spare tire.
23. I am the last person on the planet to see the new/cool movie. This has led to my repeated disappointment because the ZOMG EPIC ACTOR everyone raves about is so over-hyped that they can't live up to the expectations everyone has planted in my head. Inception was cool people, but not THAT cool.
24. I'm a polar bear and I like to set my thermostat down at night. I sleep with many blankets.
25. I may be an avid seeker of trivial information, but I research everything I pursue.
26. I'm a voyeur. I love watching people fuck right in front of me, with me doing nothing but maybe lending a hand.

27. I'm a huge fucking cuddlefreak. Any woman I spoon with can expect many kisses on the neck and ear-nibbles because I practically do this shit in my sleep.
28. I don't pursue violence or fight, but because of my supposed demeanor or "look" drunk people often try to pick fights with me without provocation. I got jumped by 4 guys at a house party about a week and a half ago because they had a verbal disagreement with some guys I came with. Wrong place at the wrong time. I'm not too concerned about it anymore because frankly my martial arts training came in and I protected my core. My nose was slightly fractured, my lip is still fat, but other than muscle aches I'm okay. I can take a beating.
29. You're sexy.
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