I stretched my prince albert to 6g, hurt like a motherbitch. There's a lot of nerve endings there, for some reason. :-P
Despite the obvious soreness it's already more comfortable, and it looks better with the bigger jewelery. The ladies will agree, I'm sure. Haven't had a complaint yet, and the only woman disgusted by the thought of it is the ex-wife (who I wouldn't show it to anyway).
Omaha was great. Had a wonderful weekend with my second family. There were definitely some fireworks between me and a particular lady... I just hope that my psyche isn't going to try to use her as a "rebound", or vice versa. I've already had one, and spent quite a while alone trying to really feel the emotions I needed to. She went through a divorce recently, though she has spent the better part of a year alone, even before the official "divorce". We have a foundation built on a 15 year friendship, so if it goes bad, I really don't think it will be.... "bad".
Distance + Time should tell what we both truly feel, but in the meantime, I can't get her off the brain. We have way more in common than the ex-wife and I ever did, that's for sure. She admires my geeky media-channeling and off-the-cuff sense of vulgar humor. My ex, on the other hand, was more often annoyed or disenchanted by it. I very much enjoyed the reciprocity of it all. She liked to touch me as much as I liked to touch her, rather than me giving all the backrubs and silently begging for something in return. Rather than feeling neglected, I'd get tenfold back. She rubbed my head for like 3 hours and babied me when she found out I had a headache. I even awoke to a backrub and kisses on the back of my neck... We could talk about ANYTHING, and in our conversations (even over the phone) silence isn't awkward. We have some of the same idiosyncrasies, phobias, and desires. My last love was my opposite, and in the beginning it was just about as good as this feels...however it was incredibly unfulfilling in the long run. I see compatibility in understanding each other from the get go. Some of that is from our long-term friendship, and some of that is just from having the same quirks.
I'm hopeful, but I'm guarding my heart and taking my time. I'd end it in a heartbeat if I knew that it put our friendship at stake... and I guess that's what matters. You have to be friends first and foremost to be lovers.
I've been guilty of being an immature asshole toward the ex. About 2 weeks ago I decided I'm going to stop that. She's been very patient and tolerant of my douchebaggery, trying to get her to lash out at me so we can have a good argument and I can feel vindicated in my anger... But she doesn't really fight. She's passive aggressive, and that totally irks me... Her tolerance of my behavior, though, is an inspiration to me. She's been very quick to forgive, and doesn't dwell on those instances, at least not toward me. All her friends, some of which used to be mine, probably think I'm a total asshole. It was funny how quickly they ran to her aid and dropped me like a bad habit from the start. I got friends that side with me as well, I guess. I miss the mutual friends that have decided to go on liking both of us, as most of them live on the other side of the world. I'm incredibly annoyed with my ex-roommate and his girlfriend though. She buddy-buddied up with the ex and he did the same with me. Now when I hang out with the both of them, I can tell her hospitality is fake. They have arguments over us, and that's totally not cool.
Anyway, It's time to finish this business with the house and whatnot as adults, not as a man wallowing in pain and reveling in vilifying her every time I get drunk (which isn't very often at all anymore, YAY!) I'd like to think I'm doing quite well as someone forced into living with his ex... I'd do a short sale on the house if I could, but I don't wanna destroy credit ratings and we can totally get equity if we work at it a bit. My sanity is okay, for now, and that's the big concern.
Despite the obvious soreness it's already more comfortable, and it looks better with the bigger jewelery. The ladies will agree, I'm sure. Haven't had a complaint yet, and the only woman disgusted by the thought of it is the ex-wife (who I wouldn't show it to anyway).
Omaha was great. Had a wonderful weekend with my second family. There were definitely some fireworks between me and a particular lady... I just hope that my psyche isn't going to try to use her as a "rebound", or vice versa. I've already had one, and spent quite a while alone trying to really feel the emotions I needed to. She went through a divorce recently, though she has spent the better part of a year alone, even before the official "divorce". We have a foundation built on a 15 year friendship, so if it goes bad, I really don't think it will be.... "bad".
Distance + Time should tell what we both truly feel, but in the meantime, I can't get her off the brain. We have way more in common than the ex-wife and I ever did, that's for sure. She admires my geeky media-channeling and off-the-cuff sense of vulgar humor. My ex, on the other hand, was more often annoyed or disenchanted by it. I very much enjoyed the reciprocity of it all. She liked to touch me as much as I liked to touch her, rather than me giving all the backrubs and silently begging for something in return. Rather than feeling neglected, I'd get tenfold back. She rubbed my head for like 3 hours and babied me when she found out I had a headache. I even awoke to a backrub and kisses on the back of my neck... We could talk about ANYTHING, and in our conversations (even over the phone) silence isn't awkward. We have some of the same idiosyncrasies, phobias, and desires. My last love was my opposite, and in the beginning it was just about as good as this feels...however it was incredibly unfulfilling in the long run. I see compatibility in understanding each other from the get go. Some of that is from our long-term friendship, and some of that is just from having the same quirks.
I'm hopeful, but I'm guarding my heart and taking my time. I'd end it in a heartbeat if I knew that it put our friendship at stake... and I guess that's what matters. You have to be friends first and foremost to be lovers.
I've been guilty of being an immature asshole toward the ex. About 2 weeks ago I decided I'm going to stop that. She's been very patient and tolerant of my douchebaggery, trying to get her to lash out at me so we can have a good argument and I can feel vindicated in my anger... But she doesn't really fight. She's passive aggressive, and that totally irks me... Her tolerance of my behavior, though, is an inspiration to me. She's been very quick to forgive, and doesn't dwell on those instances, at least not toward me. All her friends, some of which used to be mine, probably think I'm a total asshole. It was funny how quickly they ran to her aid and dropped me like a bad habit from the start. I got friends that side with me as well, I guess. I miss the mutual friends that have decided to go on liking both of us, as most of them live on the other side of the world. I'm incredibly annoyed with my ex-roommate and his girlfriend though. She buddy-buddied up with the ex and he did the same with me. Now when I hang out with the both of them, I can tell her hospitality is fake. They have arguments over us, and that's totally not cool.
Anyway, It's time to finish this business with the house and whatnot as adults, not as a man wallowing in pain and reveling in vilifying her every time I get drunk (which isn't very often at all anymore, YAY!) I'd like to think I'm doing quite well as someone forced into living with his ex... I'd do a short sale on the house if I could, but I don't wanna destroy credit ratings and we can totally get equity if we work at it a bit. My sanity is okay, for now, and that's the big concern.
Good luck with everything