So the magnitude of patheiticismaticgatronism (my word) grows exponentially by the day.
Or it doesn't, but the ability of said negative quality to disguise itself as an endearing quality dissipates as time goes on.
I've been thinking about brick walls a lot lately. About how my forehead and them should meet at a high velocity. Anything to jar the mind. Shake things up somehow. Make things different because mental agony fucking blows, but physical agony seems a cakewalk in comparison.
I broke my pinky toe. It's swollen and purple and the sexiest thing you've ever seen. Also, I purchased a SG account after 4 years of being well acquainted with the site through dear friends and helping photoshop a couple hopeful sets. I'm on it for the community aspect, obviously, my pr0n addiction isn't in need of another outlet.
I'm looking to be a positive aspect in other people's lives. Charity breeds self-actualization, and giving breeds happiness.
Yes, it's all fucking selfishly motivated. What in humanity isn't?
Bros Before Hos.
Or it doesn't, but the ability of said negative quality to disguise itself as an endearing quality dissipates as time goes on.
I've been thinking about brick walls a lot lately. About how my forehead and them should meet at a high velocity. Anything to jar the mind. Shake things up somehow. Make things different because mental agony fucking blows, but physical agony seems a cakewalk in comparison.
I broke my pinky toe. It's swollen and purple and the sexiest thing you've ever seen. Also, I purchased a SG account after 4 years of being well acquainted with the site through dear friends and helping photoshop a couple hopeful sets. I'm on it for the community aspect, obviously, my pr0n addiction isn't in need of another outlet.
I'm looking to be a positive aspect in other people's lives. Charity breeds self-actualization, and giving breeds happiness.
Yes, it's all fucking selfishly motivated. What in humanity isn't?
Bros Before Hos.