Oh Monday, how come your always so difficult????? Trying to get anything accomplished at work so far has gone about as well as pulling teeth with a q-tip....Cars have had the wrong parts ordered or not ordered at all...coworkers yelling and screaming at eachother....Dogs and cats living together, its Mass Hysteria!!! And it's only 12:30....Happy Monday all- Dan

well happy monday to you too! well it seems that order need to be established at your work! i would probably intimidated to eat that cate being that it's waaay to freakin' cute and that i love love love that character. but........... if his noggin is made of layers of red velvet and cheese cake i'm sure that i wouldn't feel so guilty just planting mu face into it! OM NOM NOM!!!!!!!!!!! crap....i just made myself hungry

Hahaha yeah everything seemed to havv calmed down after lunch strangely...and you just made me hungry too!!! Dammit!!! :-p