this is for boobzilla....
Ive never blogged before im lazy and hate typing
i went to nuit blanche last night, we walked around for like 6 hours and saw like 3 things
one was a van the second was a video of a horse in a stall witch was extremely exciting
and the third and by far the best thing was jordan and matt from dd/mm/yyyy doing this drum and synth thig to street fighter 2 , the 6 hour walk was totally worth it for that and the fact that you could drink on the streets without being bothered.
yeah that's all for that i have a hangover I'm going to take a nap.
Ive never blogged before im lazy and hate typing
i went to nuit blanche last night, we walked around for like 6 hours and saw like 3 things
one was a van the second was a video of a horse in a stall witch was extremely exciting
and the third and by far the best thing was jordan and matt from dd/mm/yyyy doing this drum and synth thig to street fighter 2 , the 6 hour walk was totally worth it for that and the fact that you could drink on the streets without being bothered.
yeah that's all for that i have a hangover I'm going to take a nap.
and shhh shhh shhhhh im here, don't cry thinking about the last episode! hahaha
how's it going?