I'm drinking light beer and watching the basketball game.
Fucking blashpemy.
Anyway, today was definatly better. I was booked SOLID today!
This woman came in, and my buddy Tom had done her hair 8 months ago..perm...and she came in today for a haircut...Annddd...her hair was ONE SOLID DREAD.
Let me explain how disgusting this is. I don't mind dreads, but this woman has over active Sebacceous glad (I.E. Her oil glands are over active, she should be shampooing every other day!) And uh, SHE HADN'T SHAMPOOED IT IN 8 MONTHS. They had to shave her head.....and underneath the MASS OF GROSSYGROSSVOMITHAIR were yellow 1inch chunks of head cheeeeeeeessseeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could have thrown up. The last time Tom did her hair he had to wear gloves, and green/yellow head cheese (technical tearm) was squishing through this comb... She said.."Oh, I guess I let it go to long this time, huh?" Hahahaha it stunk real bad too. Like chicken
That was the event of the day.
Then after class I had a Sunday, and it made everything better...
I'm drinking light beer and watching the basketball game.
Fucking blashpemy.
Anyway, today was definatly better. I was booked SOLID today!
This woman came in, and my buddy Tom had done her hair 8 months ago..perm...and she came in today for a haircut...Annddd...her hair was ONE SOLID DREAD.
Let me explain how disgusting this is. I don't mind dreads, but this woman has over active Sebacceous glad (I.E. Her oil glands are over active, she should be shampooing every other day!) And uh, SHE HADN'T SHAMPOOED IT IN 8 MONTHS. They had to shave her head.....and underneath the MASS OF GROSSYGROSSVOMITHAIR were yellow 1inch chunks of head cheeeeeeeessseeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could have thrown up. The last time Tom did her hair he had to wear gloves, and green/yellow head cheese (technical tearm) was squishing through this comb... She said.."Oh, I guess I let it go to long this time, huh?" Hahahaha it stunk real bad too. Like chicken

That was the event of the day.
Then after class I had a Sunday, and it made everything better...
