I need to confess, I'm really far of being a good writer or at least far of being a person who likes to write a lot (Even that as part of my job what I do is constantly explaining complex things or processes in the best documented way).
Also I don't write too much to not to bother the 4 persons who will read this... Read More
GWAH!!! madness brings back SO MANY MEMORIES - i can't believe you actually saw them!!! i hope they played 'baggy trousers", that was always my favorite.
thank you for the add and the hit of nostalgia! i'm going to go pull out all my old ska now.
Just a little comment i'll left here before go to my workplace , but i'm very excited because i'm going to see one of my idols this Thursday (Madness) and i go to see Depeche Mode in November . So i'll left you a pair of vids here...
uffff yo soy soy anti cortar el pelo... una vez lo tuvieron que cortar cortito y reconozco q era cmodo pero soy persona de pelo laaaargor
cortarse el pelo uno mismo es una habilidad que escapa a mi entendimiento... utilizaste maquinilla? hay q ser algo manitas para eso nope?
Hey... Gracias por los comments ;-). A veces soy de cambios radicales jajajaja.
Saita: Siempre a la orden ;-) y nuevamente WB. A ver cuando nos mandas esas nuevas pics ;-)
Liv: Realmente muchos por aqui apreciamos tu cabello largo , asi que no nos quites ese deleite jajajaja. Efectivamente un tanto complicado con la maquinilla, pero luego de una ardua batalla, le venci .
I'm very excited right now because i'm coming from the store after buying my new Canon EOS 40D with a 17-85mm IS and a new 55-200mm IS glasses. Also tomorrow i'll have a new session with a model and she will be the first lucky one that i'll picture with my new equipment.
I think was a very good step, after 3 years with my... Read More
I'm the voyeur who lives in your soul
The one that look thru the windows of your eyes
The one that cares about you in your needing times
But can't touch you because my touch don't satisfy
In the end i satisfy you guiding all your toughs...
I'm You and you know who i am but don't want to meet me because you don't... Read More
It's so hard to show my feelings
When in my mind i call you in remembers
The music and phrases are not enough
And the heart that creates it, is not understanding.
Just a part of a song of my band that everyday remembers me that mind versus heart it's an eternal fight.