After reading your story, I want to get a wire hanger and jab it into my nose, really deep, in hopes that I'll destroy the part of my brain that holds any memory of your story's exsistence. You're fucked, go get married and hope your better half can support you through your dull, listless life. Die.
Why can't I write that to these people I critique? It's the truth. Christ, the story I'm critiquing right now, here's the first sentence: It started out like any other summer. Ho, ho! Who wants to take bets that its not gonna end like any other summer?! If you're a writer and any of your stuff begins with that sentence or any close variation, quit. It's okay.
And get out.
Why can't I write that to these people I critique? It's the truth. Christ, the story I'm critiquing right now, here's the first sentence: It started out like any other summer. Ho, ho! Who wants to take bets that its not gonna end like any other summer?! If you're a writer and any of your stuff begins with that sentence or any close variation, quit. It's okay.
And get out.
yea predictable stories suxzor 

I'm doing it again. I never learn.