This college thing is wearing thing. By 2007 it will have been 10 years of college experience for me. Odd how I can tolerate insufferable shit for years on end and still never get any desire to change anything.
"How can you stand drinking so much and being hungover all the time?"
See answer above.
I need a New Project. Something outside of the realm of college with their faliures teaching others to be failures. Maybe a book? Novella? Screenplay? Suggestions welcome. Maybe I should say fuck it and start playing World of Warcraft for 14 bucks every month. I can do college in my sleep now anyways...
"How can you stand drinking so much and being hungover all the time?"
See answer above.
I need a New Project. Something outside of the realm of college with their faliures teaching others to be failures. Maybe a book? Novella? Screenplay? Suggestions welcome. Maybe I should say fuck it and start playing World of Warcraft for 14 bucks every month. I can do college in my sleep now anyways...
the one that begins with the ants. the white stripe lyric oh so cleverly disguised with the elton john lyric. i need the final draft.
and i see the viture in learning a thousand year old dead language much more than i would in learning a language that belongs to a living and vibrant culture that i have a real and current interest in it.